#oneaday, Day 291: Final Lap

As the year starts to draw to a close—seriously, how the fuck did it get to be November already?—lots of “projects” or long-term goals are starting to eventually come together and come to fruition. Unfortunately, none of said long-term goals will result in financial gain for myself (unless you want to sponsor any of them, which you’re very welcome to do) but they will result in a sense of long-term satisfaction.

This blog thing, for example. It’s become part of my daily routine now. I love writing something every day. And it’s interesting to look back at how the year (a pretty shitty one, by all accounts) has gone, how it’s changed and, more to the point, how it’s changed me. I’m a different person to the one I was five months ago. I’m a different person again to the one I was eleven months ago. I’d like to think that these changes are mostly for the better, and there are a few people out there who can probably back me up on this one. That’s not a request for ego-massaging comments, incidentally, though those are, as ever, welcome.

And then there’s the running thing, too. Tonight I completed Week 6 of the 9-week Couch To 5K programme. Tonight’s run was 25 minutes of non-stop running, bookended by 5-minute walks for warm-up and cool-down purposes. And it was… I hesitate to say “easy”, but certainly well within my abilities. I feel like my speed is increasing, too, though my average speed readout from RunKeeper (awesome app, by the way, and free for iOS and Android)  seems fairly constant at just under 4mph. Not very fast, I know, but considering that nearly seven weeks ago I was struggling to run for a minute at a time, I think it’s pretty clear that I’ve made awesome progress. And I feel good about that and have absolutely no problem publicly displaying a bit of pride about it. So there.

I have blown the right headphone earbud on my iPhone though. Guess the thumping bass and drums of the Split/Second soundtrack finally proved too much for them. That or Apple make shitty headphones. Given that exactly the same also happened to the right earbud of the headphones on my old 20GB iPod, I’m inclined to think it’s the latter. Fuck you, Apple, and your shitty headphones. But not too much. I like the iPhone just fine, thanks.

So here are the “deadlines”, for want of a better word: By the 25th of November, I should be running for 30 minutes at a time comfortably, and presumably able to run the titular 5K in that time. And by the 19th of January 2011, I’ll have completed a year of continuous non-stop blogging. Will I have a decent job by then? Given that I have an exciting and mysterious job interview next Thursday, I might.

Will I be in a position to say “yes, this is where I want my life to be” by then? Possibly not. But things are definitely on that upwards slope. Time passes. Things happen. And when you look back, it’s difficult to imagine being where you are now, then. If that makes sense.

I know what I mean, even if you don’t.