#oneaday Day 152: Two things

Two things.

1. America, you fucked it up. After I specifically told you not to.

2. I did the thing. I hope reading it brings you some distraction.

I’m not sure what else there is to say, really, aside from that I really feel for my poor pals in the States right now. Knowing that a vile shitstain of a human being is going to be sitting in the big chair for one of the most powerful nations on Earth doesn’t feel good from here, let alone what it must feel like for actual residents of that country.

And it’s for the second time. It wasn’t a fluke accident, this has happened for a second time.

I think it’s long past time that the supposedly “civilised” world admits that we have a problem. A big one.

We’re regressing. You and I may not be, but collectively, as a society, we are regressing. After a lot of good work to improve tolerance and inclusion for those who aren’t straight cis white men, it feels like in the last few years we’ve taken more steps backward than we have done forwards. And Trump’s election to the White House would just seem to confirm that.

Because, like it or not, the fact he achieved this means that there is a significant portion of people who think that he “Has a Point” about at least some of the vile, odious rhetoric he has been spouting in the run-up to this election. It’s almost certainly the same people who think that projects having women or people who aren’t white in a leading role is a sign of “wokeness”.

Those people, for whatever reason, are furious about the world. And they see intolerance, abusiveness and voting for someone as transparently awful as Trump as a means of assuaging that anger. They hope he deports “all the immigrants”. They hope he takes rights away from people who have had to fight to be recognised. They hope he sends things spiralling backwards into attitudes even the mid-20th century would be ashamed to express.

And, honestly, sitting here observing from a distance, it’s frightening. It’s horrible to know we live in a world where such intolerance still exists; the appalling treatment of minority groups is supposed to be something we read about in history books, then think all smugly about how much better we are than “back then”.

But we’re not. We may not be putting black people on their own buses or denying women the vote, but the intolerance the supposedly “civilised” world is exhibiting right now — and the fact it goes unchallenged — is still painful to witness, and I’m not the one experiencing that intolerance first-hand. It’s not enough to “be a good person”, to “be the change you want to see in the world”, because no-one gives a shit.

What is it that one can do, though? It’s honestly hard to say at this point. But the world we live in today is a frightening one. And I’m afraid I have few words of comfort to share for those who are most likely to end up suffering because of all this.

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