#oneaday Day 604: TrackMania 2, Day 1

It’s been a good week for game releases that I’m excited about, and not one of them has been on console or what I’d call a “mainstream” title — further confirmation that there’s more than enough entertainment out there for people without having to always play the “biggest” and “best” games there are. In just the last couple of days, we’ve seen Minecraft‘s official update to version 1.8, which adds some significant new content; the re-release of Wing Commander III on Good Old Games; and, of course, TrackMania 2 Canyon being unleashed on the public.

I’ve been playing it a bit tonight so I thought I’d share some observations.

First up: it’s good. It’s still recognizably TrackMania — the interface and sound effects are pretty much identical. The driving model for the cars on offer in the Canyon environment is fun, though — strongly drift-based and very reminiscent of arcade racers such as Burnout, Daytona and Ridge Racer. This is a little different from the variety of cars seen in TrackMania United, where for the most part, drifting was discouraged as it lowered your speed. In the Canyon, however, if a corner is more than a slight wiggle you’re encouraged to throw your car around it sideways. Always fun.

The potential disappointment of the game that I had on my radar was the fact that it only has a single environment — the titular Canyon. Fortunately, there are enough blocks and combinations thereof to mean that this environment offers more than enough variety to carry a whole game. And the single player campaign is nicely paced, alternating between twisty mountain roads, rollercoasteresque elevated tracks and traditional speedway circuits. Despite remaining in the same cars in the same canyon for the whole game, it’s not a worry — for now, at least, and by the time it may start feeling a bit stale, there’ll surely be some modders out there with new textures and addons to improve the game. And following that, the Valley environment will be released — and who knows what beyond that?

If you’re not a TrackMania fan then the fact the base of the game is fundamentally not that different probably won’t be enough to sway you — though the improved driving model makes it a little more accessible than the sometimes-idiosyncratic handling of United‘s lineup. Series purists are bemoaning the lack of Platform and Stunt levels in the single player campaign, though these were always lesser-played modes anyway, and Nadeo have also said that there’s the possibility of putting these modes back in through a future update — the whole point of the “ManiaPlanet” platform is to be able to evolve it on a regular basis.

A pleasing new addition is the four-player split screen mode. I haven’t tried it as yet, but if you have your PC hooked up to your TV as I do, this will make for some highly entertaining party play. The Hotseat mode of the original is present and correct, too, as is LAN play. And online is as fun as ever, with servers already offering a wide variety of creative community tracks and intense competition for up to 200 people at once.

So first impressions of the game are very good, then, and especially as it’s just £20. While the lack of other environments is a shame, with the game releasing at a lower price point I certainly won’t object to paying more for extra environments in the future — particularly if each comes with its own campaign, as is likely to happen. And the future also holds the highly intriguing possibilities offered by ShootMania and QuestMania, information on which is very limited right now. QuestMania is probably the one I’m most excited about, as I’m very interested in the implementation of user-created RPG quests. I hope it turns out to be good. We’ll see!

You can grab TrackMania 2 Canyon now from its official website, and I recommend that you do.

#oneaday Day 139: Tr-Tr-TrackMania

Those who have — ooh. Hold on. [gets momentarily distracted by the new WordPress interface that has apparently launched today.] Pretty.

Ahem. What was I saying?

Oh yes. Those who have known me for a while will know all about my love affair with Trackmania United Forever Star Edition, née Trackmania United Forever, née Trackmania United. And indeed my Steam usage statistics would seem to back this up — with 24 hours’ playtime recorded on it, and nothing else close. Granted, Steam doesn’t seem to have tracked my playtime on quite a few games I know I’ve played through to completion, but 24 hours on a silly driving game is pretty substantial, and it just doesn’t get old.

Yes, it’s unpolished. Yes, certain aspects of it are inaccessible. Yes, it doesn’t tell you about a good 95% of the possibilities it offers anywhere in the documentation — but somehow, despite all this, a huge, dedicated community has sprung up around the game and has been supporting it and driving it forward ever since its release. So much so, in fact, that it’s spawning a proper, bona fide sequel, along with two exciting-sounding companion games.

TrackMania 2 Canyon looks like it will be a lot of fun from what I’ve seen so far — though the Canyon subtitle does make me wonder if it’ll have the variety of environments and vehicles that United offers, but it’s the other two ManiaPlanet games that intrigue me more, if anything. The possibilities on offer in ShootMania and QuestMania, offering the facility to create FPS levels and RPG games respectively, are potentially limitless. And while little has been revealed about how — and if — the three games will interact, the fact that they share a common community portal in the form of ManiaPlanet is immensely intriguing and offers some very exciting possibilities for those, like me, who are interested in game design but whose experience with building tools is limited to Lego, Scalextric and the Wolfenstein 3D map editor. (I remember trying to make a Duke Nukem 3D level once. That didn’t end well, much like several efforts to make a Doom level work in any shape or form. And those games weren’t even proper 3D. I like tiles. Tiles are good.)

For those who have never experienced the joy of TrackMania, it’s worth remembering that the game’s probably most oft-used environment — the stadium — is available as a completely free game to download, with a significant amount of content and the ability to make your own tracks as well as play online. It’s not often you see that sort of generosity from a developer offering what is essentially a “demo”, but there you go. Steam users? Knock yourself out.

Okay. That’s enough TrackMania ranting for this year. See you next year.

So I’ll see you on the loop-the-looped circuits, no?