#oneaday Day 649: Lego Of Me!

Andie and I are at Legoland for the weekend. Well, not right now, but we’ve spent the day there today and are going back tomorrow.

As theme parks go, it’s rather tame and kid friendly for obvious reasons, but it seems to be pretty good. It’s been a long time since I last went to a theme park so it’s been nice to enjoy their particular brand of semi-organised fun.

One thing which struck me was how keen they are to get more money out of you, even after you’ve paid [x] amount of money to get in there. Of all things, it reminded me of Facebook games, only with regular reminders of how much fun and free Lego you could get if you signed up for an Annual Pass. That and the wallet-raping prices for food — though I’ve seen worse.

The attractions were a mixed bag. The Dragon roller coaster was fun and lulled you into a false sense of security with a ghost train-style sequence at the start. The log flume, whose actual name I’ve forgotten, was good, if a little short, with only one drop. The “boat school”, in which you got to drive an actual electric boat, was sedate but pleasantly entertaining.

The day ended with a firework display inexplicably themed around Scooby Doo. This meant that there was a cringeworthy (but kid friendly) story told with roughly five fireworks set off throughout the course of it, which was a bit disappointing. However, the main event then started, which was a spectacular and very expensive looking firework display that was impressively well synced with the loud music soundtrack.

Have been impressed with what I’ve seen so far. We’re looking forward to getting back to it tomorrow and seeing the things we missed. And probably going on the Dragon again.