#oneaday, Day 157: Sleepytired

I keep promising myself that I’ll do these earlier in the day, but it never quite happens, largely due to other things happening during the actual course of the day that distract me from this whole business that at first glance appears to be a bit of fun but I actually appear to be taking rather seriously if you look at the big number after the word “Day” in the title of this post. *gaaaaasp*

Anyway. Here I am. I have to be up in, ooh, about three hours to catch a flight to Scotland. I haven’t quite made it to bed yet. Whoops. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, and exciting too.

I’ve never done a “press trip” before. I’m not sure if that’s the sort of thing I should admit in public. But there you go—I’ve never had the opportunity before and everyone has to start somewhere, right? It’s an exciting prospect, though I have to confess to being a bit nervous too. But I’m sure things will be fine. The PR chap in charge of organising the whole day seems to be a decent bloke (Hi, if you’re reading!) and there’s a jam-packed schedule of fun and frolics for everyone to enjoy throughout the course of the day. I am greatly looking forward to the experience, and have my notebook and iPhone’s Voice Memo recorder function ready to go for use as appropriate.

I’m not going to say too much about what I’m actually doing, ’cause I’m not sure how much I’m supposed to say about it. But suffice to say I will be pimping myself out all over Twitter when the stuff I’ve written goes live. And then you will read it. Yes you will. And you will like it. Possibly literally, if the site in question enjoys Facebook integration.

For now though, I had better get what little sleep I can manage, and I’ll be here tomorrow evening, probably shell-shocked, exhausted and wanting very much to sleep for about a year.

It’s nice to have something positive happening. I know it’s only one thing on one day, but it’s a start. And as I said before, everything has to start somewhere. Let’s hope this really is the beginning of the upward slope.