1079: It’s 2013

Page_1Welcome to the first day of a new year. Doesn’t feel much different, does it? That’s because it isn’t, really, yet we ascribe such huge importance to the December 31/January 1 changeover that you’d believe the world ended and was subsequently reborn every New Year’s Eve.

I’ve seen a number of people expressing such cynical sentiments recently, and they do sort of have a point. But at the same time it’s quite nice to have a relatively arbitrary place to draw a line under everything and say “right — that’s enough of that, time to move on with new and better things.”

I do it myself, as you’ve probably noticed. I refer to 2010 as a “bad year” because it was largely memorable for the bad things that happened in it. 2011 and 2012 were relatively unremarkable throughout their duration, with relatively little to distinguish the two of them, and yet here, now, on January 1, 2013, I still find myself looking forward to a new year as if something is going to be magically different. And yet we all know it’s probably going to be the same old, same old for the most part, because those big changes in the world take significant amounts of time.

This is true of new year’s resolutions, too. While it’s admirable to use the start of a new year as a “starting line” for a new challenge, many people are a bit unrealistic about their own expectations of themselves. “I’ll get fit,” they’ll say. “I’ll lose weight.” It’s not that simple — those aren’t behaviours that you can just “turn on”, sadly, otherwise life would be much easier for the fatties of the world. It takes time to change, and it’s easy to fall off the wagon. Believe me, I know.

As such, I’m not going to make any grand, sweeping statements about what I will or won’t achieve in the coming year. It would be nice if I could get fit and lose some weight, but I know from past experience that neither of those things are particularly easy. There are plenty of other things I would like to achieve, too, but none of those are easy, either. As such, setting unrealistic expectations for myself is only going to set me up for future disappointment. Much better to set some long-term targets and use the year to at least start working on them, even if they do not come to complete fruition in a single year. After all, unexpected things have a habit of throwing spanners in the work. Best-laid plans and all that.

As such, here are some things I am going to make a start on (or, in some cases, revisit) in 2013, with no promises of any of them actually being finished in 2013:

  • I will do some form of exercise at least twice a week. I’ve had a hefty period off from running, gymming or indeed anything — a combination of depression and a general lack of motivation sapped my inclination towards doing these things towards the end of the year. Now I’m in our new place, I will make an effort to use at least two days in the week for sweaty purposes. I anticipate this will primarily take the form of taking my bike to Southampton Common, which is very near our house and eminently suitable for cycling around.
  • I will work on my visual novel book. I have already made a start on this, and now I’m a bit more settled, I’m in a position where I can devote some time to it regularly.
  • I will make a game. It will be a small-scale, not-overly ambitious game made with RPG Maker, and it will probably be rubbish. But I will use my writing skills and creativity to make something I can show to other people. If I find myself able to make said game relatively quickly, I might even make another one that is better.
  • I will play the piano several times per week. I have had relatively little motivation to make music for a while (again, partly due to depression and whatnot) but I will regularly settle down and attempt to get my skills back up to scratch.
  • I will see my friends more often. I am fed up of being a hermit. I know I am not an especially social person, and social anxiety doesn’t make that any easier, but I would like to see my friends more often — for coffee, food, board games, video games, whatever. I am in the right place to do it, so I will take full advantage of that where possible.

I also have a more concrete target in mind, but I will keep that to myself for the moment, and perhaps share it in the near future.

For now, after an exhausting couple of days, I think I need a rest. Back to regular working days tomorrow for me — if you, too, are heading back to work, I hope you’ve had a suitably relaxing break and are ready to go back to the grindstone. And for everyone, I hope you had a wonderful (or at least tolerable) New Year celebration — here’s to 2013 being a good one. Cheers!