#oneaday Day 48: Not So Great

Today was not so good. I spent a significant proportion of the evening having a fairly major panic attack. I thought I was just having a depressive episode, but when I realised I was shaking, my heart was racing and I was just generally feeling “afraid” to do anything, it became pretty clear what it actually was.

I decided to try and sleep it off, and while I don’t feel great now, I think the worst has passed, and in the meantime I certainly had what felt like some interesting dreams. They were the kind of dreams that evaporate as soon as you wake up properly so I unfortunately can’t say any more than that — aside from the phrase “it’s stunning, so long as you already have the suspension of disbelief required for modern VR”, for some reason — but they were certainly interesting.

This, of course, has pretty much taken up my entire evening and prevented me from doing anything more interesting, but sometimes you just have to try and take care of yourself the best way you know how. And when you’re suffering from some form of mental health breakdown, sometimes the best thing to do is just find a place or situation in which you feel comfortable, and ride the damn thing out. There’s a reason why so many folks make a connection between mental health episodes and “storms” of sort; the principle behind surviving them with minimal harm is very similar, albeit with one being physical and the other being mental.

Anyway, all that regrettably means I don’t have a lot of worthwhile things to say this evening. I’m hoping I feel better tomorrow — and I’m hoping the cat doesn’t keep me awake as much tonight as she did last night. I feel my struggles today may be related to this, though I can’t blame her or be mad at her; she wasn’t being malicious or deliberately trying to cause harm.

On that note, then, back to bed I go.

Want to read my thoughts on various video games, visual novels and other popular culture things? Stop by MoeGamer.net, my site for all things fun where I am generally a lot more cheerful. And if you fancy watching some vids on classic games, drop by my YouTube channel.