#oneaday Day 20: Old Habits Die Hard

Ah, old habits do indeed die hard. First time around that I was doing this #oneaday thing, I had the habit of leaving the daily post until the last minute, meaning I’d often have to think of something to write when my brain was just shutting down ready to go to bed. And indeed that has happened this evening — though I do at least have an explanation for it, even if it’s not necessarily a “good” one.

I was finishing off a game I was playing. I wanted to beat it before Final Fantasy XIV’s new expansion Dawntrail opened to Early Access tomorrow, and indeed I did. I’ll probably write something a bit more coherent about it over on MoeGamer soon, but since it’s fresh in my mind right now, I’ll say a few words about it here.

The game is called Interrogation: You Will Be Deceived, and it’s something I picked up in a previous GOG.com sale (it’s also on Steam) because I thought it looked interesting. After finishing Shantae and the Seven Sirens a few days ago, I wanted something else short that I could plough through before Dawntrail so, browsing through my shelves and digital libraries, I eventually settled on Interrogation, as I shall refer to it hereafter.

Interrogation, as the name suggests, is about questioning suspects. Specifically, you play the role of a detective leading a task force given the job of unmasking and destroying an organisation known as the Liberation Front. The Liberation Front are an anarchistic organisation with a seemingly incoherent ideology; in the early stages of the game they seem like relatively small fry, but as the game’s plot escalates it becomes clear that they’re well up for a bit of terrorism, so it’s your job to both deal with the consequences of when they succeed at that, and hopefully prevent too many further atrocities from taking place.

The game isn’t specific about the time frame in which it’s set, but it’s presented in a noir style, complete with the vast majority of the visuals being in black and white. It’s clear that we’re either in the modern day or the very near future, though, by virtue of some of the technology that is referenced throughout the game. And one of the most effective things about the game is how plausible it feels; its main talking points are things that people really talk about (which, naturally, led to some particularly fragile Steam reviewers crying about it having “too much politics”) and concerns that people actually have.

It’s a surprisingly nuanced take on the subject, full of shades of grey. The Liberation Front, while ideologically incoherent, have some good points, which is, of course, what makes them so dangerous when they’re willing to resort to violence. Likewise, placing the player in the role of “the authorities” presents you with some interesting moral quandaries as to how you might handle the situation most effectively. Indeed, from the outset of the game you’re given the opportunity to handle your interrogations in a variety of ways, including through building empathy or inciting fear in your suspects — and even resorting to “enhanced interrogation” (read: violence) if the situation would seem to demand it.

Interestingly, the game provides the opportunity to play in a number of different ways; indeed, in my playthrough I took a “Pacifist” trait early on, which meant that I was unable to use any of the violent options in exchange for some other benefits that have slipped my mind. So you don’t have to play the game as an absolute monster in the service of The Man. Indeed, you have the opportunity to position yourself as sympathetic to the Liberation Front as you progress, though partway through the game you will find yourself on the other side of the table facing down a particularly violent representative from Internal Affairs, so you’d better be ready to back up your actions with some good explanations.

The whole thing was very atmospheric and I enjoyed it a lot. Like I say, I’ll write more about it on MoeGamer very soon, but wanted to just pen some initial impressions before I hit the sack this evening. Now it’s nearly half past one in the morning (guess I’m not getting up early tomorrow!) so I’d better wrap this up. So this is me, doing that.

Want to read my thoughts on various video games, visual novels and other popular culture things? Stop by MoeGamer.net, my site for all things fun where I am generally a lot more cheerful. And if you fancy watching some vids on classic games, drop by my YouTube channel.