2340: The Rise of GOG


I remember when GOG.com — or Good Old Games, as it was originally known — first launched. It was an exciting moment, because it promised to be a storefront absolutely filled with PC games from my childhood. PC games that it had previously been near-impossible to 1) acquire in the modern era and 2) get running on modern computers. (Okay, 2 was less of an issue because DOSBox was already a thing by then, but 1 was a problem, at least, and not everyone knew how to set up DOSBox properly.)

I’ve kept my GOG.com account since launch, and just recently I find myself starting to drift more and more towards them and away from Steam. I’m not going to abandon my Steam account, obviously, since there are several hundred games in there, but GOG is starting to prove itself to be a real contender in the online digital storefront battlefield.

The GOG.com of today is a little different from when it launched, as its change in name will attest. Rather than focusing entirely on retro PC games, GOG.com now provides a mix of both retro and modern titles, and has recently even started doing “Early Access”-style games, though not to the same degree as Steam.

In fact, “not to the same degree as Steam” is a running pattern when it comes to GOG, and the platform is benefiting from it. While Steam is presently suffering from a deluge of low-quality titles released on a seemingly daily basis — the mobile app store problem, now for your home computer! — GOG.com’s marketplace is considerably more curated than Steam, and the few Early Access titles that are up on GOG are already decent quality rather than shovelware thrown out with an Early Access tag in an attempt to excuse shittiness.

In other words, discovering new games on GOG.com is a lot less of an issue than on the Steam of 2016 because you don’t have to pick through pages and pages of shitty Eastern European games with “Simulator” in the title, or perpetually Early Access Minecraft knockoffs, or games by people who don’t understand what the fundamentally appealing elements of pixel art are, or… you get the idea. This isn’t to say that there isn’t some shit on GOG, of course, but it’s far from the flood of effluent that Steam has been suffering from for a while.

And then there’s GOG’s new client, Galaxy. While still lacking a few features to put it on parity with Steam’s well-established client — most notably an in-game overlay for chat, achievements and web browsing — it’s a very good start, offering a well organised, nicely presented game library and features like playtime recording and a datestamp for the last time you played a particular title. Perhaps most notably — and most understandably, given GOG.com’s original pledge, which still holds true today, to remain a DRM-free digital storefront — is the opportunity to both automatically install games through the client a la steam and download DRM-free standalone installers for each and every game on the platform for backing up onto physical media or other hard drives. Coupled with the fact that GOG games often come with a variety of digital extras including manuals, soundtracks, artwork and all manner of other goodies, this is the next best thing to a physical copy — and if you feel strongly enough, you can even burn these installers to a CD or DVD and make your own physical copy using the materials provided. (I’m probably going to do this for the Ys games; I like them enough to want them on my actual shelves.)

GOG’s summer sale has also been excellent, with deep, generous discounts on a variety of games as well as a fun metagame that was very generous with its prizes. Rather than providing useless shit like emojis, profile backgrounds and trading cards like Steam, GOG’s summer sale metagame sees you earning experience points with each purchase and action performed on the site, with three free games on offer at various XP milestones. And they’re good games, too — specifically, Spelunky, Gabriel Knight Anniversary Edition and Dreamfall Chapters.

I anticipate I’m going to be using GOG.com a lot more in the near future; there’s still work to be done — some games promise achievements but they haven’t been implemented yet, for example — but the future looks bright for this growing storefront that refuses to compromise its principles.

Keep it up, GOG; you’ve got a loyal customer in me.

#oneaday Day 61: Call me Gordon

I’m a free man! Yes, my contract finished today so as of right this moment I am unemployed. At least as far as that pesky full-time work goes. I’ll tell you one thing I won’t miss, and that’s the 40-mile commute with the immensely predictable traffic around Winchester. I don’t know what it is about that place, but the M3 slows to a crawl and all of the roads in and out of the city also slow to a crawl, so it’s impossible to win whichever way you choose to go. I let fly with quite a few obscenities on the way home tonight as all I wanted to do was get home.

I’m not going to be sitting on my ass doing nothing, though. I have plenty of things lined up. I have some music pupils starting this week (and, of course, if you know anyone in the Southampton area who is looking for a music teacher, kindly point them in the direction of http://www.pjedmusic.co.uk) and I am shortly to put up a site advertising IT tuition services. Then I’ll be doing some writing, too, for a couple of different sites: Kombo.com and DailyJoypad.co.uk, both of which are going to be a great way to get some exposure for my writing, along with the stuff I’ve done for Good Old Games and WhatTheyPlay in the past.

Right now, it’s late, there are drunken morons shouting incoherently outside my window and I’ve just finished recording an episode of the Exploding Barrel Podcast with the ever-awesome Minotti brothers. Just looked out of the window and the noise was being made by two… I hesitate to call them “men” because they were acting like the kids I’ve been teaching. Two of them. It sounded like a bloody football crowd. And this after Southampton was (apparently) voted “most welcoming and friendly city in the UK“. (I call bullshit on that, by the way, in case you hadn’t guessed).

Tomorrow is the first day of a new beginning, or something. I’m meeting one of my (potential) new pupils, I’m getting some stuff sorted ready to do my website writing and I’ll have the chance to kick back and actually relax a bit for what feels like the first time in months. It’s like a big weight has gone from my shoulders.

I feel bad for my colleagues I left behind as they are without exception awesome people that I will miss a great deal, and they’re in a tough situation that is going to be hard work to get through. What I won’t miss, however, is the stress of that job, the (8-year old) kids who climb walls and get brought in by the police, the reams and reams of ultimately fairly meaningless paperwork, the finger-wagging “official” people telling us that we don’t know what we’re doing and… well, you get the idea. Here’s to a more positive future, but I will spare a thought for those great people I worked with regularly.

I’m just rambling now, clearly. I think it’s time to go to bed. Up and at ’em tomorrow morning… and PAX is creeping ever closer. I can’t wait.