1327: Friday Night Ramblings

Blergh. End of another week and my brain has just pretty much switched off altogether, so you’ll forgive me if I indulge in little more than a stream of consciousness for the evening.

Today’s been another week that feels like it’s dragged a bit. Not sure why, really, because nothing especially out of the ordinary has happened — though that might, in itself, be the cause of the week dragging somewhat. Very little of note has happened, really, though I did my tax return earlier. Tax returns are shit. I am looking forward to not having to do them any more, though I will have to do one more next year to cover the last two months of payment from when I was self-employed. How irritating.

Anyway, you don’t want to hear about that. What do you want to hear about? Oh, you can’t respond. Never mind, then.

I was idly musing during a quiet moment earlier and had an interesting idea for what I might do for my not-NaNoWriMo month of creative writing this coming November. I’m actually quite pleased with the idea, but as with many of my ideas I find myself wondering if I’ll be able to spin it out into a complete story. We’ll see. I’m not going to share anything about it for now, but I might actually make a note of it. There are few things more frustrating for a creative type than having a really amazing idea (or at least an interesting idea) and then forgetting to make a note of it anywhere, so that by the time you actually have the time to do something about it, you’ve completely forgotten the cool thing you were going to do.

Fortunately, over the years I’ve discovered that I have a pretty good memory for fairly useless crap, including a host of half-finished stories — many of which I’ve been carrying around in my head since school. I really should actually make an effort and get some of them written; in fact, I have started writing some of them several times — one of them in particular — but often find myself getting a little hung up on the middle bit.

This may sound like a strange thing to get hung up on — surely the beginning and ending are more important? — but it’s something that tends to bug me. Often I know where characters are going to start and what the finale is going to be; the difficulty is in determining how they are going to get from one place to the other, because those two places are often very different from one another. Obviously. (Or perhaps not, I don’t know.)

Anyway, as you can probably tell, my mind is continually drifting at the moment so I think I’m going to call it a night for now. Andie and I are off to a wedding tomorrow so I almost certainly will be tired out by the evening, which means you can probably expect something similarly stimulating from tomorrow’s post, unless I remember to write something in the morning which is, let’s face it, based on previous experience, fairly unlikely. (I wish I would remember to write a bit earlier, though; it’s nice to be able to wind down for the evening and not have to worry about writing this… though at the same time writing this forms a nice “end point” to the day where I can collect my thoughts before going to sleep.)

Anyway. Yeah. Whatever. Have a good weekend. Good night.