1429: Call me Farmer Heathcliff

Before we get started, a shout out to the person who found this blog by searching for “are there any games on facebook that arent crap” [sic]. In answer to your question, good sir and/or madam, the answer is “no”. Thank you for your time.

Right then, to business.

Tonight we played a game of Agricola: Farmers of the Moor, the expansion to Agricola. Agricola is still not my favourite game in the world, but the expansion does add some interesting new elements to it — and, crucially, multiple ways to do well. By way of example, the top two players out of our four-player game this evening scored 61 and 60, adopting two totally different approaches to one another. (I came third, with 27 points, but at least I didn’t come last, which I count as a personal victory.)

My difficult with Agricola is a matter of prioritisation, and of finding an efficient strategy to do the things I want to do. I get that you should spend the early game building a house, the mid-game building up your family and the end-game racking up as many points as possible, but I find it very difficult to determine what are the best possible actions to achieve those things, and on top of that, what the best Occupation and Minor Improvement cards to achieve those things might be. My tablemates are always talking about “synergies” and “combos” but I have real trouble spotting all but the most obvious combinations.

I know that part of the problem is that I just haven’t played it enough compared to them. I should get in more practice with my own copy — yes, I own a copy, despite having somewhat mixed feelings about it — or the iOS version. But it’s one of those things that when I consider actually sitting down to play it, I start thinking I’d rather do something else instead. Not in the “I’d rather light my own eyeballs on fire” sense; it’s just something fairly low down the list of things I feel like doing, somewhere behind “playing Bravely Default”, “playing Final Fantasy XIV until 5 in the morning” and “watching several episodes of The Office back-to-back”. (Incidentally, The Office — the American incarnation — is something I’d very much like to talk about, but I’ll save that for another day.)

On the whole, we had a decent game this evening and I was reasonably pleased with most of my game — right up until the last turn where my lack of contingency plan was brought into stark focus by someone taking the one space that would screw me over almost completely. Consequently, I spent the last turn frantically gathering the food needed for survival rather than racking up points — and even then, I forgot the fuel needed to heat my home and took a two-point hit for having a sick person. Bollocks.

Oh well. Fortunately, I managed to get Yeoman Farmer (take no negative points, except for unused farmyard spaces and Begging cards — of which I had neither) out when things looked like they might go a bit pear-shaped. If I hadn’t managed to get that out, my pathetic farm at the end of the game would have had a truly embarrassing score; possibly my worst of all time.

Still, as my tablemates say, it was a training game — it’s only the second time we’ve played with the expansion — and so we all probably have a lot to learn, still.