#oneaday, Day 49: End of the Week

Hello! Short entry tonight as I have, despite spending most of the day thinking “I should write my blog”, ended up in bed. Oh well.

This weekend I have: tidied up, washed up, completed Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney and finally got around to watching a DVD from New Zealand that my parents got me a while back.

The DVD is worthy of further attention. It’s called Seven Periods with Mr Gormsby and is a comedy-drama about the titular supply teacher coming in to a rather difficult school and finding his traditional views are rather at odds with the touchy-feely nature of modern education.

Gormsby is a wonderful character, and frequently comes out with some of the most offensive things I’ve ever heard, which seem even worse in the high school context. My favourite has to be his nonplussed attitude after finding a drawing of himself on his blackboard with the slogan “Mr Gormsby takes it up the arse”.

“I would like the boy who did this,” he says, “to come forward and take his punishment like a man. I’m not going to give you detention and I’ve been forbidden to use the cane, so the one who is responsible for this defamation… I am going to fuck. And this won’t be that namby-pamby buggery you’d get from your music teacher. No, boys, no-one who gets rogered by Gormsby comes back for seconds.”

The humour is incredibly rude throughout – so much so that I’m not surprised I’ve never seen it over here. But it is hilarious and, in the words of my wife, “they should show it on teacher training courses”.

There. Done. Good night!