#oneaday, Day 166: Affirmations

In the interests of positivity, I’ve decided to compile a list of my best qualities. Please feel free to contribute to this list through the medium of dance. Or comments.

  • I’m a good person. I don’t like to see other people suffer. I don’t like to cause suffering. Even if the person who is suffering is someone I don’t particularly like.
  • I have a strong sense of justice. If something goes badly for someone else, I’ll always do my damndest to help them out in any way I can.
  • I’m a good listener. I may not be great with the giving of advice, but I’m someone who always has time to listen to a friend.
  • I’m creative. You know that, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.
  • I’m musical. Piano. Clarinet. Saxophone. A short foray into ensemble singing. Now you know, if you didn’t already.
  • I’m a great writer. I can adapt my style to the situation. I can write incredibly quickly. And I don’t make stupid mistakes. Except occasional typos.
  • I have used a semicolon correctly at least ten times in the last week. See previous point.
  • I’m a survivor. I have been through a shower of shit over the last 18 months. And I’m not dead. I don’t know how this happened. But it has. I’m not out of the woods yet, but going on past experience, eventually I’ll make it out of the other side.
  • I’m honest. I’m one of the most honest people I know. If I’m talking to someone I trust, they can rely on the fact that I’ll always tell them the truth.
  • I’m understanding. Got a problem of some sort? I’m not about to judge you for it. And if I can help you deal with it, I will.
  • I’m funny. Sometimes. More so when writing than in person. Nothing worse than telling a joke in person and no-one laughing.
  • I appreciate and value my friends. Even if I don’t see them that often.
  • I have superhuman strength. I can punch a car clean across the street.
  • I have an eye for the “picturesque”. I can spot a good photograph quickly.
  • I’m a fast learner. I get double XP when learning something new. Particularly if it’s computer-related.
  • I’m a nerd. And everyone knows nerds are the best, nicest people.
  • I’m passionate. If I believe in something, I’ll battle for that belief.
  • I have a wild imagination. I can picture situations easily. Both realistic and fantastic.
  • I can communicate with rodents. They tell me where to find hidden treasure. Unfortunately, they’re not very good at finding decent treasure that isn’t cheese or socks.
  • I like to try new things. I won’t resist doing something just because it’s something I’ve never done before or I’m not familiar with. Unless there’s raw onion in it.
  • I can see both sides to things. Particularly when it comes to things like fanboy arguments.
  • I’m tolerant. I don’t judge anyone based on their age, gender, race, sexuality, religion, anything. Everyone is their own person and deserves to be treated as such.
  • I’m committed. If I say I’ll commit to something, I won’t ever give up. Ever.

That’ll do for now. I’m not sure if “able to remain coherent at 3AM” should be on that list or not.

It’s easy to forget the good things about yourself sometimes when you’re in a situation that makes you think the very worst of yourself. So I’ll try to remember and add to this list in those times when it all gets a bit too much to handle.

I’d also like to add for any prospective employers reading that all of the above qualities make me an eminently attractive addition to your company. Assuming your company isn’t lame.