2331: Revenge of the Horde


Patch day for Final Fantasy XIV today, and it seems like a good one so far. I haven’t yet delved into absolutely everything on offer — partly because I went out for the evening — but what I’ve seen so far is pretty great.

Of particular note is The Final Steps of Faith, the big new Trial for this patch. This sees players taking on the mighty Nidhogg in a battle to the death as he brings the full force of his rage down on Ishgard and those he believes to have betrayed him.

The Final Steps of Faith is a cool fight, because — at the moment, anyway — it’s genuinely challenging, even in its story mode incarnation. It’s not excessively difficult by any means — the challenge factor comes from the fact that you actually have to pay attention to mechanics and can’t just cheese your way through it. I’m all for this; while there’s a certain amount of pleasure in being able to overpower old content with top-end gear, it’s always a bit of a disappointment when fights that were once challenging, exciting and dramatic become a matter of simply soaking up all the damage being thrown at you and repeatedly smacking the enemy in the teeth.

I’m sure this situation won’t last with The Final Steps of Faith, but for now it’s nice to have an important storyline fight carry the appropriate amount of drama for the context.

This got me thinking back to the reasonably hefty amount of time I spent playing World of Warcraft, and how that game never quite got me feeling excited about combat. Things got a little better when I went a bit crazy modding the game’s UI and added a “Jukebox” mod that allowed you to play music in combat, but it still never felt quite the same as an exciting encounter in a single-player RPG.

Final Fantasy XIV, meanwhile, absolutely nails the drama aspect. While the movement-heavy nature of combat means that it’s not able to include the sort of cinematic camera work that people have associated with Final Fantasy since VII hit PS1s all those years ago, the combination of amazing music, gorgeously spectacular visual effects and a genuine feeling that you’re struggling against a foe of unimaginable power help make the game’s most important fights shine as some of the most memorable things I’ve ever done in a game — and certainly in an online game.

I’ve now finished the main story (and the enjoyable, optional “post-story” quest, which had a really heartwarming ending) so I find myself pondering what’s next for Heavensward. While this patch brings the Dragonsong War plot arc to a close, there are still some unresolved threads that are clearly going to be tugged at further in the next couple of patches, and I’m very much looking forward to seeing how the stakes will be raised towards some sort of dramatic showdown that will inevitably lead into the next full expansion pack.

And in the meantime, I hear those bloody Moogles need some help with their crafting…