#oneaday, Day 108: Just Like Marilyn Monroe

I went dancing last night. Yes, you read that correctly. You can blame @Amy_Walker for the bizarre image you undoubtedly have in your head right now. She twisted my arm rather less than I expected she’d have to and I agreed to go along and give it a try.

“It?” I hear you cry. Doubtless you’re wondering exactly what kind of wibbling around on the dance floor I was taking part in. Could it be ballet? (No. I don’t look good in tights.) Street dance? (No. Largely because the music makes me want to throw dustbins. But also because it looks far too difficult.) Ballroom dancing? (No. I don’t grin like an idiot enough.)

Dance in question was Mo’Jive, which is, I believe, short for Modern Jive. (Apostrophes make everything cooler, as everyone knows.) It’s actually kind of difficult to describe, but appears to involve lots of holding hands, offering resistance, spinning people around and trying not to accidentally grab anyone’s boobs. It appears to be a pretty versatile sort of dance, too, with the music that was played ranging from the very modern to more traditional stuff from the 50s and 60s. It’s deceptively energetic, too. Although the moves themselves feel relatively straightforward to perform in terms of the amount of effort involved (if not in the considerable amount of coordination required) by the end of the night I felt like I’d had a decent workout. Obviously not quite the same as lifting weights or anything, but definitely from a cardio perspective, things were happening.

I learned three moves throughout the course of the evening which I believe were called the First Move, Push Spin; the Hatchback; and the Man Spin. The geek in me was delighted that I had genuinely learned a selection of moves that sounded like they’d require some pretty advanced button combinations to pull off. (“Man Spin” is quarter-circle forward followed by punch and kick together, if you’re curious.) The social spaz in me was delighted that I didn’t make a complete tit of myself in front of lots of different people. And, well, just me was delighted that I was actually doing something I’d never done before and never thought I would do.

Okay. I made mistakes. I kept using the wrong hand halfway through a Man Spin. I occasionally did too many turns in the middle of a First Move, Push Spin. Sometimes I got completely lost and had to start the whole sequence again. But by the end of the night, I was looking surprisingly convincing. Amy even told me earlier today that several friends she knew from the sessions had mentioned how quickly and well I’d picked things up – especially considering I’d never tried it before. She assured me that she wasn’t just saying it to make me feel better, too. I think I believe her.

I had a good time. No, a really great time, actually. After recent events, I’ve found it especially important to get out there and do stuff. Sitting at home being miserable isn’t going to achieve anything. So I’m glad I stepped out of my comfort zone for once and pushed myself to do something that I wouldn’t normally have even contemplated doing. And more to the point, the results were far from disastrous. It’s given me a bit of much-needed confidence, and God knows I need some of that right now.

I’ll leave you with this, which has to win the Scary and Hilarious Music Video of the Week award. Gotta love the Right Said Fred. Enjoy.

Post-Script: I hasten to add that the Mo’Jive class Amy and I attended didn’t involve any topless bald men, bikini-clad ladies or swimming pools. Or indeed dancing in the style seen in the video. If you’re curious about what it’s actually all about, check out the Mo’Club here.

#oneaday, Day 99: One Away

This is not me.

Tomorrow marks my centennial on the #oneaday train. That’s pretty good going. I know some people are ahead of me already, but we should all celebrate each others’ milestones. And the way I choose for you all to celebrate my own milestone is to buy me cake. Particularly as it’s my birthday soon.

Anyway, cake aside, what I wanted to talk about today is exercise. I’ve managed, through some serious mental reconditioning that may or may not have involved an electric cattle prod, to get back into a gym routine. I’ve been every day for the last few days. That may sound like a lot to some, but the last time I jumped in with this intensity it had a noticeably positive impact on my body. I felt better and I looked better. I mean sure, I was still a tubby bitch, to quote Mr Kevin Smith, but slightly less so than before. Then various things happened, I left my job which was conveniently five minutes’ walk away from the gym, got depressed, ate too much, took on a job that was so far away from where I lived that by the time I got home of an evening I wasn’t able to get to the gym before it closed and finally quit that job. Clear? No? Never mind.

Now that I’m in that weird sort of “uhhh… what now?” phase without having a full-time job, I have plenty of time to get to the gym. Even on days when I do have some work, I’ve managed to get home, have a quick rest, maybe a quick blast on WoW and then head out to the gym before dinner. This time around, I feel like I’ve made much quicker progress than before. The day before yesterday I managed a 10-minute non-stop run on the treadmill, which I can’t normally do. I can’t do it consistently yet, as I need to be full of energy to pull it off, but it’s getting there. And I can do 5 minutes non-stop without too much difficulty now.

Experimented a little with some free weights today. Rhiarti has said she’s going to give me some suggestions for a Geek Workout using weights rather than machines. The machines are all well and good, but apparently the free weights actually work more muscles because you have to support the big lump of metal you’re lifting as well as, you know, lifting it. And certainly after I tried a few bits and pieces I’d looked up online today, my muscles felt like they’d had a much more solid workout than if I’d used machines for equivalent exercises. The side-effect of all this, too, is that I feel rather more positive about my body image. I know there’s no way that my shape would have changed over the course of less than a week, but I feel better about myself. I think it’s just taking the positive step to do something about it that makes me feel better. I have a lot of work to do, but I feel like I’ve got into a good rhythm now. Let’s hope I can keep it up.

No idea whether I’ll be working tomorrow yet. The irritating thing about supply teaching is that you have to get up super-early for no guarantee of work on most days. But even if there’s no work, I have some articles to write and some potentially paid freelancing gigs to chase up, so it’s not as if I’ll be short of things to do. I also applied for three jobs today, so hopefully something will come of one of those. Though going on past experiences with my saying “hopefully something will come of one of those”, I fear it will be unlikely I’ll hear back from them ever, my application lost in the Netherstorm for all eternity.

It’s time for bed. Before midnight! Good job, me.

Also, to the shouting drunken morons outside my front room window, kindly jump in the Solent.