2166: A Merry Christmas to You


Merry Christmas! Admittedly, at the time of writing it is now officially Boxing Day where I am, but it’s still Christmas in certain parts of the world as I type this, so my well-wishes totally count.

It’s been a very nice day. Andie and I decided to have a Christmas by ourselves this year, without travelling to either of our respective parental homes and instead visiting both respective sets of parents a little later in the festive season.

For the last few years, Christmas hasn’t felt like a huge deal. I — perhaps understandably — no longer felt the intoxicating sense of anticipation that I felt throughout December when I was a child, and in many cases, Christmas Day came and went without me feeling particularly festive at all.

This year felt particularly pleasant for some reason. Perhaps it’s the fact that it’s been a difficult period for me, Andie and numerous other people we know, and it was nice to have a day where we could completely switch off from all that and just relax. Perhaps it’s the fact that we had a deliberately low-key Christmas, with no obligations or commitments whatsoever.

That’s probably part of the reason some people find the festive season so stressful. Modern society places so many obligations and commitments on us around the festive season that it can be difficult to just enjoy some time away from work and/or hanging out with your family and friends. Sometimes you just want to open some presents, eat a shitload of biscuits and play computer games for the rest of the day without having to worry about the people you’re supposed to visit, the people you’re supposed to phone and the things you’re supposed to do.

So that’s what we both did today. And it was lovely. Tomorrow I have to go to work, because retail, but I have two days off after that, so you better believe I will be making the most of them by doing as little as humanly possible. My bum-imprint on the sofa is ready and waiting to be occupied.

Anyway. A very merry Christmas to you, wherever you are reading this from in the world, and may the rest of your holiday season be suitably festive.

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