Andie and I got married today. It’s now half past midnight and we’re both very much ready to sleep after a very long day that absolutely flew by. Kind of doesn’t quite feel real in some ways.

I’m going to keep this brief because I’m knackered, but I wanted to say thanks to everyone who showed up to celebrate with us.

A particular thanks to our parents for helping with organisation, decoration and, y’know, paying for shit.

Thanks to my best man Tim for a lovely speech that summed up our friendship nicely.

Thanks to those who came a long way to celebrate with us, like my brother and Andie’s extended family.

Thanks to Rob for helping with sound.

Thanks to Woody for getting drunk enough to pour milk on his cake and then attempt to convince me that he fully intended to do that and did not, in fact, mistake milk for cream.

And thanks to my lovely new wife for sticking by me through the good times and the bad — much as I’ve done for her in return — and for agreeing to do this marriage thing and take the next step in our life together. Next stop: cat.

Time to sleep.

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2 thoughts on “1985: MAWWIAGE

  1. Congratulations Pete & Andie! Best wishes for you as you begin this next chapter in your lives.
    I’ve never had the pleasure of getting to know your spouse, but in the past year+ you’ve become one of my very best friends, and I can’t think of anyone who deserves the support and happiness that a sound marriage can bring more than you.

  2. Congratulations Pete’s wife and Andie’s husband 😀 Wish I could have been there – perhaps there might be a short film of the festivities inserted into a coming Post – I wonder what number it will be?

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