1950: Away Again

I’m away for the weekend again, this time a little further afield, but the purpose of the weekend — eating, drinking, and playing board games (thank you, Oxford comma, for preventing unfortunate misunderstandings as to what I was doing with board games) — is the same as the last.

Today we played a couple of different games, including Small World — an entertainingly lightweight but fun empire-building game that is considerably easier to understand than many others of its ilk — and, once again, Betrayal at House on the Hill. The latter is always particularly interesting to play because it’s so different each time; the scenario we played this time around had no extra “monsters” running around the house, for example, and instead consisted of a traitor player (this time it was me) running around with considerably increased powers from their original human self and trying to kill the “hero” characters while trying not to be caught in a fire that started in the basement.

Tomorrow we’re going to be giving XCOM: The Board Game another shot, as one of our number is yet to play it. It should be an enjoyable time; XCOM is a great game, though I’m skeptical as to our chances of victory, since it’s pretty tough even by the usual co-op games standards, and even more so when there’s a newcomer in the mix. Still, it should be enjoyable regardless; part of the fun of games that have a “real-time” element — other examples include Escape: Curse of the Temple and Space Alert — is watching everything go disastrously, horribly wrong in the usual, somewhat more sedate “resolution” phase.

Anyway. I’m pretty tired right now so I will be leaving that there. Probably time for a touch of Love Live! School Idol Festival before sleep, and then there’s plenty of games to be played tomorrow — including the somewhat daunting-looking (but apparently very good) Terra Mystica. Looking forward to it — it’s been a busy week for once, so it’s nice to have some time to just enjoy things.

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