1596: Efforts

Trying to stay positive. Got up early today, went for a swim before doing anything else (only 25 lengths, alternating crawl and my laughable excuse for a breast stroke, but you have to start somewhere) and then took the bus (the bus!) back. (I managed to find all the Obsidian Mushrooms in Demon Gaze during the bus journey back, which treated me to some enjoyable scenes with catgirl maid Pinay, so it was very much worth it.)

Got back. Applied for two jobs, nearly applied for a third before I realised I’d already applied for it last week, took delivery of our new table (it’s humongous, and it has metallic animal feet, because it clearly belonged to an old lady before ending up in the British Heart Foundation shop), attempted to assemble new table, was mostly successful, did some work, played some Game and Wario (the freebie game I got with Mario Kart 8, which I will almost certainly write more about tomorrow evening after a night of multiplayer fun) and… that’s about it, really.

I feel like I’ve got quite a bit done today, and, as usual, it can be attributed at least partly to getting up reasonably early and getting started on things before I have to do stuff. I think this every time I get up early, then I go and get all depressed and find it hard to get out of bed until immediately before I have to start work. (Also our new bed is really comfy.)

As I say, trying very hard to stay positive right now, but it’s a challenge. Too much is unknown. Several of the jobs I’ve applied for won’t be letting me know one way or another for two or three weeks, and by then that’s the time I will really need to have a new job sorted and ready for me. But I guess there’s not a lot I can do about that. As time ticks on, it becomes more and more likely there’ll be a gap between my current job ending and my new one starting. I just hope it isn’t too long.

In the meantime, I just have to keep doing what I can in order to stay as positive as it is possible to stay under the circumstances. I have to be grateful for the things I do have, rather than upset about the things that I don’t have — even if the things that I don’t have could cause potential difficulties. I can’t think about that, though. I have to assume that things are going to work out all right. I have to assume that things are going to be fine, and that by this time next month, I’ll be wondering what on Earth I was panicking about.

Hmm. Well, it’s going to be a challenge, but I guess I have no option but to try right now, huh?

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One thought on “1596: Efforts

  1. Wow! 25 lengths – that’s some serious swimming. Most people, including myself of course, can’t even manage 1 length! If you just do that every day you will soon be fit and slim and thumbing your nose at all us less than fit and slim people. Except you don’t do that coz you’re not like that. 😀 Well done you!

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