1521: Wretched

Still feeling utterly wretched, though not quite as bad as yesterday in that I can actually move and do things now, so long as I take an hour or two to psych myself up beforehand. Most of the more horrid symptoms I’ve been exhibiting — a cough that makes my head feel like it’s exploding, a fever, body aches so strong that it hurt to even think about moving at several points yesterday — appear to be calming down a bit, but I’m still stuck with an unpleasant sore throat and, perhaps the most annoying of all, a bunged-up head that is not only the source of a constant, dull ache but also has kept me feeling consistently dizzy any time I stand up.

I mentioned yesterday that this has been quite an “interesting” illness, though, and whatever is going on in my head is presumably something to do with that. I’m not sure of the exact definition of being “delirious”, but my mind was definitely doing something odd any time I closed my eyes, particularly when I was lying down.

If I lay on my right side, my brain would immediately kick into some sort of in-depth technical project that, for some reason, I associated with Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, despite the fact that I 1) haven’t played it and 2) have no evidence that there is a Metal Gear in Ground Zeroes. Said project would repeatedly get tantalisingly close to completion, but I’d never quite figure out what it was, and by the time it looked like I might get somewhere, the process would start over again.

If I lay on my left side, meanwhile, my brain would immediately start planning some sort of low-tech project to do with bows and arrows, possibly prompted by the fact that I spent part of yesterday whimpering on the sofa watching Disney’s Robin Hood, which I haven’t seen for a good twenty years or so. Again, this project would never come to fruition; by the time it felt like it might, I’d get uncomfortable and have to turn over and start the other one again.

Both of these mental workouts, whatever they were, were interesting to see, but they made it an absolute bugger to get to sleep, and as such I’m not entirely sure quite how much sleep I’ve actually gotten in the last couple of days. Lying down isn’t relaxing at all right now, but when I sit up I just don’t have the energy to do anything. It took me a while to summon up the strength to sit down in front of the computer and pen this post, and said strength is already fading.

As such, I’m going to dose myself up with Lemsip and try to actually get some sleep. Good night.

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One thought on “1521: Wretched

  1. 😀 I hate to say it but OMG! I laughed out loud literally as I read the left side right side part – it is so familiar. I must take note of whether there is a difference for me too between them. I can’t lie on my back for very long at all due to my knackered back, so do what you did – turn from one to the other all night. My sleep quality and quantity is also suss – can’t say I have much of either, but I do dream vividly non-stop while being aware that it is a dream and that I can open my eyes and be awake at will any time I choose – which I do frequently when the said dream gets too much for me. I plan things, I create things, I protect my friends and family and beat people up who threaten me or alternatively freeze and am unable to do anything. I plan and creat paintings, and comne up with some great but slightly warped stories – which I then fail to write down when I ‘wake up’. S i g h . . . All I can say Mate is hang in a bit more, keep a pad and pen close by, or a recording device like your phone or whatever, and make the most of the great storylines you are getting. You can always modify the warped bits out, unless you allow them to take you of on tangents – could be interesting. Rest up and get well.

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