#oneaday, Day 66: The Time Has Come

I’m going to write this in something of a rush because I need to go to bed. But I’m not going to default on my blogging just for pesky tiredness’ sake! No, it might be a short, crap entry, but dammit if I’m not going to write on right now.


Tomorrow, I fly to Boston for PAX East. It’s strange to think that this time has finally come. When I think back to early in this whole “one a day” experiment and the things I said, wondering whether or not I’d be able to go, wondering whether I’d be able to get out of my job, wondering if I’d ever make it to the States to see my friends whom I only know by their Twitter avatars and occasional glimpses of embarrassing photos on Facebook.

Now, that fantasy is a reality. Well, it will be very soon, anyway.

There are two emotions in my head right now. Immense excitement… and nerves. Almost like stage fright.

Anyone who’s ever met anyone they’ve talked to online for a long period of time will know that the first face-to-face meeting is always the hardest. People are different online to how they are in reality, and however much you can protest that the way you write or chat online is your “true self”, the fact is that people will judge you when they meet you for the first time – subconsciously in most cases, but they’re doing it all the same. It’s that that always unnerves me – whenever I’m meeting new people for the first time, not just trusted and beloved online friends, but anyone. It’s a side-effect of the social anxiety that I’ve suffered for as long as I can remember, but I’m determined not to let it get in the way of an awesome time. And it doesn’t have to. I met my wife face-to-face long after we met online, after all. And yes, I probably was an awkward twat – still am – but that one worked out just fine.

The fact I’ve met some members of the Squadron of Shame before will help – especially given the fact that we got on well the last time we met and didn’t (to my knowledge, anyway) want to tear each others’ throats out with hammers by the end of our time together. I feel like I know a lot of the others very well already thanks to blogs, Twitter, Facebook, podcasts and all manner of other media that makes “Internet gurus” and “online entrepreneurs” drool with glee. So I think it’s going to be just fine.

Doesn’t stop me feeling nervous, but it’s not a sense of crippling anxiety. It’s more a state of wanting the “introductions” phase to be over so we can kick back with some beers and then hit the show floor of PAX East running. Because there’s an asston of stuff to see, and there’s a bundle of people I want to meet. Quite how everything will fit into those few short days I’m in Boston is anyone’s guess – but I’m going to make a damn good try of it.

So tomorrow morning at 8:40, I board a coach bound for DESTINY. That’s right: DESTINY. (Then I catch a plane which will take me the rest of the way to DESTINY. But the coach trip comes first.)

I’m clearly getting delirious. Time for bed, I think. Good night!

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