1071: Christmas Eve

It’s Christmas Eve. Technically it’s almost Christmas Day. Exciting, huh?

I’ve noted this for the past few years, but I find it tough to get really excited about Christmas these days. I’m pretty sure this is fairly common for people once they get beyond a certain age, but it’s felt particularly pronounced for the past few years. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve had a few Christmases that haven’t been particularly merry, or because I’ve had a few years where my life hasn’t been exactly what I’d call “on track”, but eh. Whatever.

This year, theoretically, I am enjoying a Christmas where my life is getting back to where it should be; to where I want it to be. This is good. It still feels a little difficult to enjoy it though, to find it easy to lighten up, chill out and just accept that things are nice. The holiday season doesn’t magically make your anxieties and worries go away, sadly, as these are things that stick with you through the best and worst of times.

But let’s try not to be overly negative about the whole thing. Tomorrow is a day for eating to excess, for opening presents, for relaxing and doing as little as possible. It may lack that childish excitement over whether or not there’s, say, a Super NES under the tree (largely because I am now old and affluent enough to purchase myself the modern-day equivalent the Wii U if I want one) and it may lack that particular “spark” that believing in Father Christmas involves, but it’s a time of peacefulness, of trying to set your worries aside, and of enjoying good food and good company.

I’m sure tomorrow will be fine. And once the holiday season has passed by, we can really start to look forward to whatever it is the future holds. Hopefully the things that the future hold are good, and I can start enjoying life a bit more. That’d be nice. I would like to enjoy life a bit more.

Merry Christmas to everyone reading this. I hope you have a thoroughly pleasant day tomorrow, and eat your fill of turkey, stuffing, those little sausages wrapped in bacon and sprouts. (My fill of sprouts is “no sprouts”. It is not hard to eat my fill of sprouts. Sprouts are disgusting.)

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