One A Day, Day 40: Caught Up

There you go, told you I’d catch up.

On the way home today, filled with stress at our impending school inspection (which has been confirmed for next Tuesday… a genuine case of See You Next… you know.) I got to thinking. Dangerous pastime, I know. I was thinking about what I’m going to do next once this job’s over and done with. Given that I haven’t got myself a new position yet, I was thinking about alternatives.

My music teaching site, which I set up some time ago, has brought in a slow but steady trickle of enquiries for people looking for tuition. I haven’t been able to take any of these people on due to the stupidly long (and traffic-heavy) commute I have to do on a daily basis, but once I don’t have to do that, there’s definitely the possibility of being able to get a bunch of pupils for some regular income each week.

Then, on the side, I’d like to do some more freelance writing. I gave some editors a poke a while back, and will be poking them again shortly to try and get some work. Once that “starts” and I prove myself some more, that can be a semi-regular income stream, too.

Then, on the other side, I was thinking about setting up a site for computer tuition, too. I’m sure there’s a market for it – particularly if I’d be willing to do home visits. There are all sorts of people around at varying degrees of ability with their computer – my time with Apple showed me as much – so I wonder how many of them would be willing to pay for personalised, one-on-one tuition in their home.

Between these things, I’m wondering if that will bring together enough scratch to survive each month. I guess the only question is 1) how long it will take to get enough music and/or computer pupils to make it worthwhile and 2) whether these will all be “regular” income. Freelance writing is, certainly to begin with anyway, not known for its reliability as an income stream – at least until you get “noticed” a bit more – but it is something I love doing. And I’d enjoy the other things.

The biggest perk of doing this would be not having to answer to anyone. All my past jobs have ended up with me getting pissed off with some aspect of the incompetency of the people who are supposed to be “managing” me. (To be fair, I’ve had rotten luck with regard to management.) Doing this sort of thing would mean I’d only be responsible for myself which is, I won’t lie, an appealing option.

It’s a scary prospect, though. Ditching the idea of “structured” employment and taking control is both appealing and terrifying. I definitely want to give it some thought, though, and if ever there was a time to save in a new slot, this would be it.

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