1017: An Uneventful Halloween

I actually quite like Halloween, barring the whole “locking yourself in the dark to avoid terrifying teenage trick or treaters” thing, which I don’t have to do any more because I don’t live in an area infested with pikey scumbags. (Also, it was absolutely chucking it down with hail earlier, so any trick or treaters who actually braved the elements deserve a fucking medalnot some pathetic “fun size” chocolate. “Fun size”. What the fuck is “fun” about chocolate that is smaller than it is supposed to be anyway? Fuck off, pathetic chocolate. Gosh, I’m in a bad mood tonight. I apologise, and will take a deep breath after I close these parentheses.)

Ahem. Anyway. Yes. I actually quite like Halloween, though this is perhaps more due to my love of dressing up than the actual spooky day itself. Although there is a certain perverse pleasure in the amount you can get away with on Halloween. I won’t get into the whole “sexy costumes” thing now, but, well, no-one really bats an eyelid (no pun intended) if you’re dressed like a complete loon.

One of my favourite Halloweens was back when I was at university. It was around the time of Scream and Scary Movie, so the “black robe with mask” look was “in”. I participated, and went along on a night out with my friends dressed in full Scream regalia. It was an interesting experience, because beneath all the flowing robes and the mask that completely obscured my identity, I felt pretty confident for once, even going so far as to share a few Scary Movie– (and Budweiser-) -inspired “WAZAAAAAP”s with complete strangers. So that was fun. (Drinking through that mask was impossible, though, which kind of ruined the illusion somewhat.

I haven’t had the opportunity for a good Halloween fancy dress kind of situation for a long time now, though. When you’re in your early 30s and two hours away from all your friends, no-one seems to invite you to parties any more. (Not that I’m particularly fun at parties anyway, but still. Or perhaps it might just be that no-one’s actually throwing any parties.) I’m not really complaining — parties are rife with all that enforced socialisation, and if you feel like you want to leave after half an hour, everyone gives you weird looks, regardless of how awesome your costume was. Clearly what I need to do is to throw my own Halloween party and invite only people I actually like and who all know each other. That way the entire hideous situation can hopefully be avoided for everyone. And we can concentrate on doing something like playing board games instead.

Regrettably, it’s a tad late to organise that now, but perhaps next year. I propose an evening of horror-themed entertainment — perhaps an episode or two of something like Haiyore! Nyaruko-san early in the evening to get everyone warmed up, then some light horror-themed games (Chez CthulhuLord of the Fries and Last Night on Earth spring to mind) followed up by a lengthy game of something like Arkham Horror into the wee small hours. With everyone in costume.

That sounds fun, right? It sounds fun to me. Sadly, for this year, I will have to content myself with the complete non-event that was Halloween in Chippenham, in which I spent most of the evening being by turns grumpy at the fact my brand new laptop apparently has a faulty battery (BOO to you, Novatech!) and quite depressed at the news that a games journalism freelancer killed himself earlier. He wasn’t someone I knew personally, but it’s still sad news to hear. But that’s a discussion for another day, I feel.

On a brighter note, tomorrow is November, and if you’ll recall my post from a few days ago that means a month of fiction here on this site. The stickmen will be taking a short hiatus while I aim to churn out a couple of thousand words a day, but they’ll be back at the start of December. (Holy crap, December. Where did this year go?)

I am rambling. So I will cut that short. Hope you had a good Halloween.

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