#oneaday Day 891: Summer Nights


It’s crazy hot and humid at the minute. Thankfully, as I type this, the weather has deigned to grace us with some rain, which will hopefully eliminate some of the horrible “closeness” that has been plaguing us for about the last week.

You can’t really win with regard to weather in this country. It’s rarely “just right”. It’s often either too wet, too hot, too cold, grey and miserable or too humid.

Of course, in actual fact it likely is “just right” more than we realise because you only tend to notice the weather when it’s hitting the extremes that are irritating enough to make you question the wisdom of actually leaving your house.

I actually quite like some weather conditions that would traditionally be considered “bad”. The rain that it happening right now, for example, is lovely. There are few things nicer than being out in a rainstorm after it’s been incredibly hot and humid all day (or, in some cases, all week). It’s one of those times when I can be quite happy to just stand outside without any particular “protection” and get absolutely drenched without wanting to run to the nearest shelter as soon as possible. It’s even quite nice to run in — though on tonight’s run I did manage to get back before the heavens opened.

(As I continue to type this, the rain seems to have stopped. This is disappointing.)

Heat in general, though? I’m not a fan, as I believe I’ve said a number of times here in the past. I don’t really understand the attraction of going on holiday to some place so hot it will literally burn your face off. I still have memories of a trip to Gran Canaria with a school friend and getting so badly burned I was peeling off my skin like a lizard for a couple of weeks afterwards. (When the burns faded, however, I looked like I had changed race, which was quite satisfying, apart from the pasty-white Speedos marks I had. It was enough to make a boy not want to take his pants off, ever — not that I was doing a lot of taking my pants off in public at the age of 12.)

Rain can be a nice relaxing background noise, though. When I ballsed up my body clock completely shortly before leaving Southampton a couple of years ago (how time flies, huh?) I often found comfort by simply listening to the sounds of rain. If it was raining outside, great; if not, I had a nice app for iPhone called Ambiance that could do a fairly convincing impression along with stuff like white noise, city noise and all manner of other sounds. You could even mix sounds together to create the sounds of camping in a rainy wood, or being in a city street in a thunderstorm. Or, indeed, being in a room full of static and wind chimes.

This post has been rather disjointed. I apologise. My brain isn’t really working right now as it’s quite late and I got back from a run relatively recently but I’m not really tired enough to go to sleep. I’m thinking probably a bit of Quest for Glory before bed, then back to the grindstone tomorrow.

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