#oneaday Day 583: Creative Breakfast

I’ve reached a decision. Once all this moving stuff is over and done with I’m going to start writing these entries in the morning. There are many reasons for this, chief among which is the fact that by the time it gets to late evening I’m knackered and have already spent the day doing my day job which involves, yes, writing.

Part of this is sheet stubborn determination to not let tiredness and lack of creativity beat me. It would be easy to say I was fed up and tired of writing stuff every day. I’m not; it just feels a bit like it sometimes, particularly when it gets to 11pm and I haven’t written anything — and often haven’t thought of anything to write.

So the plan is thus: get up, eat breakfast, indulge in “creative breakfast” by writing blog in the morning. That way 1) it’s out of the way in the morning and 2) my mind is already in a good mindset for writing.

It also helps avoid filler entries like this one which follow 4 hour drives.

So night night! Look forward to the new regime starting soon.

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