#oneaday Day 133: Back to life, back to reality

We’re back home! Boo! Although honestly, we’re both kind of knackered, so it’s nice to get back home, see the cats and have the prospect of our own bed waiting for us. It’s been a lovely break, and we enjoyed a final dip in the pool before we departed early this afternoon, but now we both need a day or two to get ourselves back in working order for a vaguely normal existence from Monday onwards!

I was pleased to see that my cat Patti has been getting along with my mother-in-law while we were away. Patti is a very shy, scared cat when confronted with anyone other than us, but it seems that she’s learned to trust my mother-in-law over the course of the last few days. The pair have spent some time together before and they had a similar outcome; Patti hid for the first little while, but eventually came out and became quite friendly and sociable once she determined once and for all that there was no threat, and, in fact, there was the distinct possibility of being spoiled with treats.

Oliver, meanwhile, has seemingly had a lovely time. He’s already a very sociable cat, and it sounds as if my mother-in-law has had a nice time playing with him. We reckon he’s probably about a year and a half old at this point, and he still loves to play for hours; we’ll often hear him kicking his toys around well into the early hours of the morning once we’ve gone to bed, and he is showing no signs whatsoever of slowing down just yet.

A few packages arrived while we were away. One was a pair of swimming shorts that I paid for next-day delivery on in the hope that they would arrive before we left; needless to say, they did not, in fact, arrive on the next day thanks to Yodel being fucking idiots. “We need some more information about your address,” they said. “Please contact us.” They did not provide any means of contacting them, so I had to go ferreting through their support pages until I found the dreaded “Live Chat” option, then had to endure the obligatory Indian person with broken English copy-pasting set phrases and platitudes from their handbook, only for the outcome to be “we don’t actually need any information about your address, we just fucked up and didn’t even attempt to deliver it”, which was nice. But at least I have a spare pair of swimming shorts for future excursions, I guess.

The one package I was hoping to arrive hasn’t come yet, though: a box of all the Atari-branded sauces. As someone who enjoys sauce, I’m looking forward to trying these, and I also think it will make a fun video to try them all for the first time on camera, so I’m hoping these will arrive sometime soon. Sadly, they’re not here yet and don’t look like they’ve even been dispatched as yet, so I will have to wait a little longer to learn exactly what Yars’ Revenge tastes like.

Anyway, I’m pooped and my back hurts, so I’m going to bed, in my own bed. I suspect I will not wake up until quite late tomorrow. And that’s fine. I’m technically still on holiday, even though I’m back home. And I intend to continue enjoying that holiday until work starts again on Monday!

Want to read my thoughts on various video games, visual novels and other popular culture things? Stop by MoeGamer.net, my site for all things fun where I am generally a lot more cheerful. And if you fancy watching some vids on classic games, drop by my YouTube channel.

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