#oneaday Day 8: Escaping a Rut

Hello. As has probably been quite apparent from my last few posts, I’ve been in something of a rut mental health-wise for a little while now, and I’ve reached a point where I actively want to do something about it. Starting up the whole #oneaday thing again is part of that, but I also need to make some more active changes to my lifestyle in order to make progress.

Specifically, I need to get properly back into the swing of following Slimming World, as I’ve been a tad lax on that for the past few weeks, and I also want to try and get a bit more exercise. Along with that, I want to try and start my day a bit earlier rather than rolling out of bed and immediately into work.

Thus, what I would like to start achieving from the beginning of next week is getting up a couple of hours earlier, going to our local pool and having a swim before work. One of my big mental blocks with exercise is when I feel like it’s encroaching on “my” time after work, and so going first thing in the morning is a good way of getting around that, since I don’t count the period before work starts as really “my” time as such. This may sound daft to you, but it’s the way my brain has always thought of things.

The difficulty is going to be actually getting up a couple of hours earlier. The reason I’ve fallen into the habit of getting up pretty much immediately before work starts is because I haven’t felt like I’ve had anything to get up “for”, but conversely this means that I don’t want to get up any earlier than I do because my brain has come to think of those last few moments of sleep as somehow more precious than the rest of the night.

Part of this is to do with the “trapped inside your own head” phenomenon that I talked about the other day. I’m most likely to feel like I “can’t” get up because I “need to finish” the dream I was having first thing in the morning, and that, for quite some time now, has prevented me from getting up at a sensible time. That, I feel, is going to be the most significant battle I face on the road to making a bit of morning exercise a regular routine.

Thing is, swimming is an activity I actually like doing, in contrast to a lot of other forms of exercise that I tend to feel negatively about. I find swimming both relaxing and invigorating; I know I’m not very good at it, but it’s something that I simply like. And since it’s something that, done enough, can actually be good for me, I feel like I should take advantage of that fact.

So, then, the challenge is going to be ensuring that I actually haul myself out of bed in time to go for a swim of a morning. My local pool does morning sessions every weekday morning between 7 and 9, and ideally speaking, I’d like to try and go every day. I feel like that might be an unrealistic target to begin with, though, so for the upcoming week I’m setting myself the goal of getting up and going swimming before work at least twice during the week.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see how that goes. I’m trying not to contemplate “likely failure” before it happens, and go into this with a positive mindset. But we’ll see, I guess!

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