#oneaday, Day 160: Tuesday Tweetup

It was another Tuesday Tweetup today. I know it’s Saturday. But… look, just don’t argue, all right?

It’s always curious to meet these people in the flesh after, in some cases, not having seen them for quite some time and in other cases, never having met them at all. Despite a relatively low turnout, though, it was a good evening in the gorgeous weather at Victoria Country Park. There was picnicking, complete with ant invasions. There was drinking. There were doughnuts. There was flinging a frisbee around a bit slightly half-heartedly. And there was a scavenger hunt around the park, which was good fun, even if no-one quite got the concept that there were some items on the list which weren’t intended to ever be found. A snow globe? In a country park? Don’t think so.

Victoria Country Park is really nice, actually. I’ve never been there before, but there’s a really nice mix of wide open space, foresty goodness and waterfront beachiness. I actually wish I’d taken more photos than I actually have, but never mind eh. I know where it is now, so I can always pay it another visit on an occasion where I’m not expected to be sociable.

It was nice, though. As I’ve said many times before, social situations like that often make me feel all awkward and weird, but the people at this meet? Awesome. Set me at ease completely. It helps that I know a couple of them very well, of course. But I even found myself getting along well with some of the new people. At least I think I did, anyway. Didn’t make that much of a dick of myself, I don’t think!

Anyway, tomorrow will be spent writing, writing, writing as a result of that trip I took the other day. I have lots to do. But it should be good, and hopefully lead on to great new things. Let’s hope so, anyway. Fingers crossed and all that.

Sorry for the crap entry, I’m pretty tired. I’ll leave you with some photos taken with the new iPhone camera so you can take a peep at the quality. The digital zoom is blurry and crap, but digital zooms always are. The regular pics are pretty damn sharp, though – I’m impressed.

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