#oneaday Day 35: Lay Me Down to Sleep

I’m exhausted, physically and mentally. I think mostly mentally, but that in turn is making me feel physically exhausted. The world just seems to be such a frustratingly relentless parade of shit at the moment that just existing is tiring. So although it’s not even 10pm at the time of writing, I think I might just go to bed after this.

Unlike times gone by, I can thankfully say that it’s not really my life that has gone to shit as such, but I’m not sure that’s any great comfort. At least if there is something wrong in my life — and plenty of things are, don’t get me wrong — it’s possible to take action and do something about it.

But when you feel like the entire world is just collectively going insane, and there’s fuck all you can do about it? That’s exhausting. Whether it’s the constant enshittification of today’s services, the ever-increasing cost of living or the utterly stupid obsession with AI — all three of which are related to varying degrees, I’d say — it just feels like the world is moving in an unhealthy direction, and no matter how much you say “hang on a minute” there’s nothing that you, as one person, can do.

I won’t lie, I’m a little concerned for my pals in America right now, because they seem to be staring down a bit of a no-win situation when it comes to the upcoming presidential elections. On the one side, you have Trump, who is just an outright fucking maniac, and on the other, you have Biden, whose age is starting to make people question his suitability for the role. Given the choice, it seems like picking the old man is the sensible thing to do, but America never seems to make things that simple. After all, they already elected Trump into office once; while most people would probably agree that was a terrible idea, I have a strange feeling that it might happen again.

And while I feel a certain sense of solidarity with others online expressing similar concerns about the immediate and medium-term future, I also feel very alone. Ever since COVID hit, I’ve felt completely isolated aside from being with my wife, and it’s done a real number on my self-confidence and self-esteem. I feel like I could do with some sort of support network when I’m feeling like this, and I just don’t have one. Worse, I don’t really know how to go about putting one together — or indeed reassembling one that I maybe once had.

I always used to think that as you grew older and became more of an “adult” that things would fall into place and become more straightforward. And perhaps they did for previous generations. But for me, right now, each passing year just feels worse and worse, like a sense of comfort and stability is just slipping further and further away. The world has been a place that I don’t feel like I quite fit into for as long as I can remember. And in recent years, that feeling has only been becoming more and more pronounced with everything that’s been happening.

If only it was possible to just completely disconnect from the bad things in the world, and spend your time surrounded by people who care about you, and whom you care about too. I guess I should feel lucky that I have my wife and cats, at the very least; some people don’t even have that.

I’d apologise for the maudlin post, but I made it clear back when I started all this shenanigans again that it was going to be a form of “therapy” for me. And that means getting this stuff off my chest once in a while. I’m sure you understand. Perhaps you even feel the same way. I unfortunately cannot offer any advice or comfort if so, but know, at least, that you are not the only one feeling that way. Not, I suspect, by a long shot.

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