2501: Thanksgiving

We don’t really “do” Thanksgiving over here in the UK, but I thought it would be a nice thought exercise in positivity to use today’s post to simply list some things I’m thankful for. There’s plenty that is shit in my life at the moment, but this post is not about that.

I am thankful to my wife for standing by me while times have been tough, even as she had her own shit to deal with.

I am thankful for my friends who have stuck by me through the difficult times in my life over the last few years. Some of them I speak to more often than others; some of them I see more often than others; some of them I don’t speak to or see nearly as often as I’d like. I’m still thankful for all of them.

I am thankful for my family who, likewise, has stuck by me through the trials and tribulations of the last few years. There has always been support there when I needed it, even if I didn’t really know how to ask for it without feeling bad.

I am thankful for those who read my blog, whether they’re silent readers or those who reach out to talk about the things I’ve posted. The purpose and angle of this blog has sort of evolved over the years, but as I said yesterday, I’ve always found it to be a helpful outlet.

I am thankful to video games for providing me with something to be passionate about; a medium that excites and inspires me on a daily basis. I am particularly thankful to those creators (mostly, though not exclusively, of Japanese origin) who have created works that particularly resonated with me for one reason or another; titles with which I could get emotionally invested, or titles in which the main casts became like “friends”.

I am thankful to the people I interact with online who are interested in similar things to me, who don’t judge me negatively or make assumptions based on my tastes, and who are happy to be enthusiastic with me.

I am thankful to the written word for providing me with a more reliable means of expressing myself than the spoken word.

I am thankful that I have somehow survived all the trials I’ve faced to date, which gives me a small amount of hope that one day, someday, everything will finally turn out all right.

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