I mean, come on. Seriously. Look at this.
And this.
You want more? I got more. This one’s fancy.
Make your own button with this one! I suggest a big red one that says “CUNT”.
Maybe start with “TRANSLATE”-ing the weird backwards text you’re apparently reading through your Minority Report-style touchscreen.
Had enough yet? No no no.
And just to be multicultural, here’s one in Arabian flavour.
I’m unsure if these are more or less irritating than the ones that feature a businessman writing on something from behind.
What’s that? You want to see some? Well…
I’m not sure that I’m taking this one’s advice.
This one’s just weird.
Fill it up with meaningless, unrelated words, that’ll make it better!
Or perhaps emphasise the point by circling it!
And let’s not forget we live in the Age of Social Media when everything must be shared. SHARE NOW, PUNY HUMANS, OR WE WILL ASSIMILATE YOU. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. OBEY THE HAND.
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