2408: Turn Down the Heat


It’s hot. I don’t like it when it’s hot, as I may have mentioned on one or two previous occasions in the past.

Actually, I’ll be a tad more specific: I don’t like it when it’s hot and humid, which it most certainly is right now. It’s the kind of hot and humid where just sitting still for five minutes causes sweatiness, let alone actually attempting to do anything.

With hot air’s somewhat pesky nature of rising, too, this means that the top floor of our house is an unbearable oven of sweaty nightmares, even with fans running all day every day and the windows open at every opportunity. Except at night, to prevent cat escape scenarios, which is kind of frustrating because night-time actually seems to be the time it’s the worst.

This combined with my wife being on night shifts isn’t particularly helping my sleep patterns, which are absolutely completely and utterly fucked up right now. Still, with little I “need” to wake up for on most days, I guess it doesn’t really matter all that much — though contemplating that too much tends to lead to a cycle of anxiety about my continuing unemployment that keeps me awake anyway, even if it’s not the temperature of the Sun in my bedroom.

I while away these pre-dawn hours watching some TV, penning yet more job applications (as if that’s going to do any good) and wondering what I should do next.

I’ve even been considering my options for how to actually do some formal study to change career. I’m sure I’d be a much more attractive prospect to a potential employer with an actual Computer Science degree or similar — assuming, you know, I was going for a job in IT, which would seem to make a certain amount of sense — but the costs of pursuing such a course are prohibitively expensive, especially as from what I can make out, it seems you can’t take a new Student Loan to cover a second degree’s tuition fees if you already have a degree. Probably fair enough, I guess, but it does make that English and Music degree I’m stuck with feel even more like useless dead weight than it already does.

The Open University seems like one route I could investigate, but there are still pretty high fees to deal with there along with the fact that studying a degree part-time takes a very long time indeed.

Still. It’s something to consider. I don’t know. I’m feeling kind of “trapped” in my current situation at the moment, and I feel like I need to do something more drastic than “apply for lots of jobs” to be able to get out of it, since that clearly isn’t working out all that well.

3:40am probably isn’t the best time to be thinking about this, though. I’d sleep on it if it wasn’t so damned hot.

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