1862: Eat Well

So, how is this whole Slimming World thing going?

Pretty well, actually. I’ve lost over a stone since I started, and while I do occasionally feel like I’m “missing out” on some things that I previously would have grabbed and enjoyed without question — I’m talking about obviously awful-for-you-but-delicious things like cakes, anything involving pastry, McDonald’s breakfasts and all manner of other dreadfulness — on the whole I don’t feel like I’m starving myself, because there’s usually something around that I can eat and enjoy without feeling hungry.

And I think that’s the key part of this. Often I’d eat something just because I was feeling hungry, and there was also a certain degree of using it as a “coping” strategy, too; I’d reward myself with something tasty if I felt I “deserved” it, and it was never particularly difficult to think of a reason that I “deserved” it, whether it had been a good day or a bad one.

The nice thing about the Slimming World programme is that I can actually still do this if I want to — I just have to reward myself with something that isn’t a cake or a sausage roll or something. Fortunately, there are plenty of things that I do like that are “free” on the programme, so that’s not too much of an issue.

There’s also the fact that there’s quite a few pleasant surprises in terms of recipes and things that count as “free”. You can have as much meat as you like, for example, so long as it’s lean, and stuff like pasta and rice is also free. (Microwave rice is not completely free, mind you, as there’s a bit of oil in there; it’s still only 1 “syn”, though, so it’s not super-terrible, as you’re supposed to have between 5 and 15 “syns” per day.) I like meat, so it’s good to be able to just snack on some nice chicken pieces or something; better for me than crisps, for sure, and maybe possibly nicer? I’m not sure.

Andie also looked up a recipe for a Slimming World-friendly dessert the other night. The website has an impressive collection of these (along with various main courses), so we chose the Apple Betty. It came out really nicely, and tastes great. It’s not syn-free, but it’s fairly low on the guilt scale, with just 2 syns per slice. Best of all, it “feels” like a “proper” dessert. I love desserts; they’re probably my biggest weakness. So to be able to still enjoy them and stick to the programme is great.

I’ve also been really impressed with the Slimming World ready meals that recently launched, exclusive to Iceland. They’re good quality food and substantial portions; I’ve certainly never finished one and felt like I could eat another one, which is a criticism which can be levelled at other “healthy” ready meals, particularly the rather stingy portions from Weight Watchers. I’ve also been impressed to discover that it is indeed possible to produce a “syn-free” sausage, and they taste pretty good, too. I have no idea what they’ve done to them to make them syn-free, but they make for a great and guilt-free sausage sandwich, which is something to be celebrated.

Anyway. I’m glad I’ve been able to stick with it even with all the unpleasantness that’s occurred recently. It would have been so easy to just give up and slip back into my old ways, but knowing that weekly weigh-in is coming every Wednesday helps jar me back to “reality” and make me think that I don’t really need to eat something awful for me just because I feel a bit crap; I can eat, by all means, I just need to be more mindful of what it is that I am actually eating.

Success so far, then, but I still have a long way to go before I get to where I want to be. Hopefully this journey will continue in the right direction.

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3 thoughts on “1862: Eat Well

  1. So proud of you, Pete, and envious as well – this is said with warmth and in no way patronisingly. (I know – probably no such word) A stone is a mile-stone. No wonder you are happy, and encouraged. Self-motivation, as you have been experiencing, is always the best. 😀

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