1792: Company of Players

One interesting thing I’ve noticed in several games I’ve played recently — primarily those of Japanese origin that err towards the moe/fanservicey end of the spectrum, unsurprisingly — is what appears to be, or what I’m choosing to interpret as, inspiration from the theatrical world.

Take Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1, for example, which I finally achieved the Platinum trophy for last night and consequently am (probably) done with for the moment. The Neptunia series as a whole is pretty self-referential, with protagonist Neptune in particular frequently breaking the fourth wall to address the player directly, and various other characters making it abundantly clear that they’re aware of the numerous tropes that they embody and that the narrative as a whole is based around.

In spite of all this, though, it plays things fairly straight (well, as straight as it can when Neptune is involved) right up until the final encounter between the goddesses of Gamindustri and the villainous Arfoire. Spoiler: the heroines prevail, justice is served and peace returns to Gamindustri, with a happy ending for all — even more so if you pursue the “true” ending — prior to the credits. And in typical Neptunia tradition, the credits roll is a loving pixel-art homage to classic games of yesteryear, simultaneously recapping several major points in the main game’s story while demonstrating the developers’ encyclopaedic knowledge of classic game titles.

It doesn’t end there, though; after the credits comes a wonderfully heartwarming little sequence in which all the major characters in the game address the player directly and thank them for playing. It feels very much like the video game equivalent of a “curtain call” in the theatre, with each character stepping forward in turn to, effectively, take a bow and allow the player a sense of closure — at least until the next game they feature in. Once that sequence finishes and you save your clear data, that’s it; the curtains go down, the lights come up and it’s time to leave the theatre.

But like the best theatrical productions and the actors who bring them to life, Neptunia’s cast is bigger than the individual games they star in. Rather, despite the games not really having a coherent, canonical chronology of what happens when — the series is very fond of rebooting itself on a regular basis — these recognisable characters simply come together to do different things every so often, whether it’s another big RPG adventure, attempting to make it as idols or fighting bad guys in a distinctly Senran Kagura-esque fashion.

The idol game Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection in particular is an interesting take on the series in that it’s the first in which rather than the characters glancing sidelong at the player and making witty asides to them, the player is actually a participant in the ongoing story. In many ways it’s an opportunity to “meet” your favourite characters in a far more intimate manner than previous installments have offered; in fact, it’s rather more of a dating sim than an idol management game, since it largely revolves around building up your relationships with the four goddesses as opposed to actually trying to make their careers a particular success. To continue the theatrical comparison, it’s like having the opportunity to appear in a production alongside a high-profile star — though the game does take great pains to note at its outset that its events are not “canonical”, insofar as anything in the Hyperdimension Neptunia series is “canonical”.

I mentioned Senran Kagura above, and this, too, presents an interesting example of how a stable of characters can be reused in a variety of different situations. First game Senran Kagura Burst — actually a compilation of the first two Senran Kagura games originally released in Japan — tells a self-contained story whose visual novel sequences give us some uniquely personal insight into the way the various characters think and feel about what is going on. This format is continued somewhat in Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus, officially a “spin-off” but actually following on from Burst’s story.

And then you have Senran Kagura Bon Appetit, also known as Dekamori Senran Kagura. This game is, like Producing Perfection, a spin-off that is not intended to be taken seriously. An overblown, dramatic introductory sequence mirrors that seen in Shinovi Versus, before quipping at the end that you probably shouldn’t take everything quite so seriously, so here is a game about large-breasted girls attempting to cook each other’s clothes off in time to music.

Yes, you read that correctly; although Senran Kagura is most notorious for its large boobs and clothes-ripping mechanics, for the most part the storylines in Burst and Shinovi Versus are fairly serious in nature, exploring everything from young people coming of age, with everything that entails, to finding the true meaning of one’s chosen path in life. Bon Appetit, meanwhile, does have a story — one that I haven’t delved into yet, having only tried the “Arcade” mode so far — but largely revolves around the aforementioned cooking so hard your opponent’s clothes fall off. And then admiring them covered in chocolate sauce and whipped cream afterwards.

It should be jarring; it should be weird, but somehow — assuming you’re already on board with the series — it’s not. It works. These characters are being treated more like “actors” performing different roles, albeit as the same people. It brings a sense of comfortable familiarity to the game — like seeing a favourite actor on stage or on TV — even as the games go into all sorts of weird territory, both in terms of subject matter and game styles.

I think right here is one of the reasons I find myself gravitating so strongly towards this style of game more than anything else: I’m a sucker for good characterisation, and if I find a particularly loveable group of characters that I enjoy spending virtual time with, I’ll happily take that time together in any form it might happen to take — be it fighting monsters, training to be an idol, being a ninja or having a cook-off. Fortunately, I don’t see the Senran Kagura or Hyperdimension Neptunia series going away any time soon, so I look forward to spending many more hours in the company of these virtual young ladies as time goes on.

Sad? Perhaps. But here’s the thing: I’ve come to regard all these characters with genuine affection, even with the awareness that they’re all exaggerated anime-style tropes on legs. And that, really, is the essence of moe: the feelings of love or affection towards fictional characters who are specifically designed to elicit such a response. I’d say their creators have done a pretty good job on that front, really.

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One thought on “1792: Company of Players

  1. Congrats on getting your much coveted platinum! I hit Chapter 7 last night. Not nearly as impressive. lol
    This whole element of a theatrical cast is something that I never really considered about this series – but it does help explain why I love these games so much. It’s very similar to how TV and shows sometimes use “ensemble casting,” which is one of my favorite things ever. The “mockumentary” films of Christopher Guest and the TV show American Horror Story are among my favorite media of all time because of this. There’s a thrill to seeing familiar, friendly faces returning, sometimes presenting something new, and sometimes not.

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