1769: Knackered

Page_1To be perfectly frank with you, dear reader, I’m not at all sure what I should write about today, so I’ve come to the oft-reached conclusion that I should just start typing and see what spews forth from my brain onto the page, like a violent eruption of creative vomit into the toilet of online publication.

I’m tired. I may have had Monday off from work thanks to our holiday, but it’s still been a long week. It hasn’t been the best week either, frankly, not because of any real specific happenings, but just from a mental health perspective. I don’t know whether it’s a sort of “comedown” from the nice time we had away or if it’s something a bit more deep-seated, but I’ve been feeling thoroughly miserable this week for a variety of reasons, which has probably been pretty clear from at least a couple of my recent posts.

Still, no matter, I guess, because the weekend is here, and that’s time to rest, relax, recharge and… something else beginning with R. (No, not that. Honestly.) Andie is away for most of tomorrow for a friend’s birthday party celebration drinks type thing, so I’m taking the rare opportunity to go spend some time with one of my local friends (and regular board gaming buddies) at the weekend. We’re going to play some Wii U and possibly some board games, and he’s going to experiment with cooking things that sound far too ambitious but which will hopefully be tasty if they come out all right.

We shall see, I guess.

The onset of winter isn’t helping with the whole “feeling a bit low” thing. It’s got to that point in the year where it’s dark when I leave the house in the morning, and by the time I get out of work it’s dark, too, making me feel like I live in perpetual night-time. (The fact my office doesn’t have a whole lot of natural light going on doesn’t help, either, and hours of fluorescent lights and computer screens every day isn’t particularly restful on the eyes. It’s no surprise that I feel like I need some new glasses, but after the opticians I went to last got my prescription wrong not once but twice I’ve been hesitant to waste more time on eye tests and getting glasses made.)

It’s cold, too. Not cold enough for snow and ice, thankfully — there’s only been one morning so far where I’ve had to chip frost off my car, though naturally this occurred before I’d actually remembered to purchase an ice-scraper — but still uncomfortably chilly. We have at least figured out both how to turn on the gas fire in our living room (which I’m still convinced works through black magic, since the stuff in it looks like it’s burning but actually isn’t) and how to turn on the heating in the rest of our house using the old-ass combination of dodgy thermostat and rattly electric timer. We thought for a while that the heating wasn’t working, but — my Grandad would be proud of me — a bit of wiggling the valve thing in the airing cupboard seemed to make it start working again without too much difficulty. That saved an expensive call to a heating engineer, anyway.

So that’s been my day and my week, then. Quite looking forward to tomorrow, it should be fun to get out of the house and do some stuff for a while. As of right now, though, I feel very much like curling up in bed with my Vita is the right thing to do, so I think that’s what I’m going to go and do.

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