1467: Broken

Lara’s death hit me pretty hard. Or, to be more accurate, it was the tipping point; the straw that broke the camel’s back and other such cliches: the bad thing happening that caused all the other bad things in my head to overflow, boil over and spill out like some sort of pitch-black overcooked soup of eternal despair.

To clarify: today has not been a good day. After spending yesterday rather upset at our dear little furry friend’s passing, I woke up this morning not feeling any better. In fact, feeling significantly worse. It was that kind of bleak feeling where it’s nearly impossible to move, speak or function at anything more than the most basic level. I cried for no apparent reason on two separate occasions; it helped a little.

Right now? I’m at least functioning somewhat better than I was earlier, but I still feel like my brain is broken (and I have a headache, too, which isn’t helping matters). I’ve had a good day at work — got an article shared by TotalBiscuit, yo — to distract me from the bad things rattling around in my head, but they’ve still been there lurking on the periphery, waiting to lay me low once again.

I haven’t felt this bad for quite some time, and it sucks. It’s not entirely due to Lara’s passing, either; while that did indeed make me very sad and it still makes me tear up a bit to see Lucy by herself in her cage, as I say that was little more than the stimulus; the additional pressure that caused everything to come gushing out.

It’s hard to know how to keep feelings like this under control. For the most part, I’d been feeling reasonably positive recently, but apparently I’d been repressing more emotions than I’d thought. The silly thing — and one that will be familiar to anyone with depressive tendencies — is that with all the confusion and chaos these emotions bring, it’s impossible to come to some sort of rational explanation as to what is making you feel so bad. This, of course, makes the answer “what’s wrong?” extremely difficult to answer with anything other than a non-committal “I don’t know”, but it’s true; more often than not, when I feel like this, I really don’t know what it is that’s making me feel so bad.

Today should be a positive day, though, for a couple of reasons: Andie and I went to find out how much the bank would lend us for a mortgage earlier today and it turned out to be more than we were expecting; and I wrote an article that’s been pretty widely shared and attracted a ton of potentially new eyes to USgamer, which is great. So I should focus on those positive things and less on the negative, and use the rest of the evening to do things that cheer me up and make me happy. Then hopefully, eventually, the dark edges will fade and I can get back to some semblance of normality again.

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