1340: Bzzzzz

Think I’ve had too much caffeine today. I sometimes feel like caffeine doesn’t really affect me all that much, but then I drink as much as I apparently have today and I get all jittery and anxious. It’s not an altogether pleasant feeling, but at least I think it’s finally wearing off and I just want to sleep. It’s like that moment in The Sims 3 where your temporary caffeine buzz positive moodlet wears off and is replaced by a caffeine crash negative movement. Actually, it’s not “like” that at all, it just is that.

I should have probably heard the warning signs when I went to work in the coffee shop earlier, and I ordered my usual “first drink of the working day” if I’m working in there — an iced white Americano. I’m pretty sure that up until today, the people there have been making said iced white Americanos wrong, because previously they looked more like iced lattes. (I don’t mind; I like iced lattes. Iced Americanos are marginally less calorific, though.)

“Four shots,” said the girl serving me to her colleague who was preparing my drink. Four shots? So I was essentially drinking four espressos in one go? Hmm.

I thought nothing of it at the time, and it certainly didn’t feel like it had much of a “kick” while I was drinking it, so once I’d got on top of all the work I had to do I had a latte to keep me going through the rest of the afternoon.

That was the tipping point, I think. While it was delicious as usual, once I finished it I started to feel a little queasy. Not to the point of actually wanting to be sick or anything, just… not quite right. And as the day continues to progress, I started to feel more and more anxious and jittery. As I said before, it’s not an altogether pleasant feeling.

There’s probably a lesson to be learned amid all this somewhere. Will I learn it, though? Probably not. I give it a few days before I do this exact same thing to myself again, completely accidentally.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go and try and sleep. Or, failing that, I’m going to stare at the ceiling for a few hours while trying very hard not to let all the chattering inside my brain distract me too much. Or, failing that, I’ll go and play some more GTA V, which has hooked me a whole lot more than I thought it would. The police chase I had earlier, which culminated in me driving an open-top sports car up a mountain and then flinging it off the summit at top speed, only to cartwheel several times on the way down and land right way up on the freeway while in the middle of a phone conversation, made it all worthwhile.

Anyway. Sleep. Attempted sleep. Whatever. Bzzzzzzz.

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