1265: Warmness

It is extremely hot here at the moment. Judging by Twitter this evening, this particular climatic condition is not isolated solely to Southampton, but this doesn’t make me feel that much better.

I’m currently writing this post on my phone because for some frustrating reason our Internet has gone down. I’ve rebooted the router several times and it’s still not playing with us. I’m not entirely sure why I’m telling you this, but writing a post on my phone like this tends to put me in “stream of consciousness” mode more than anything else. (The WordPress app still doesn’t have a word count facility, either, so I just keep banging on until it “feels” about the right length.)

Family Guy is currently on BBC3. I do quite like Family Guy, but the frustrating way about its being broadcast on BBC3 is that whatever dribbling idiot is in charge of the scheduling for that otherwise atrocious station clearly has no idea how to broadcast something in chronological order and without repeating the same episode at least twice a week, sometimes more. These are all repeats anyway, so there’s really no need for this repetition, particularly when iPlayer is a thing that exists.

I say I quite like Family Guy, but there is one exception: that fucking episode with Surfin’ Bird. It was doubly annoying when it was on recently, because, as mentioned above, it was on twice in one week. I wasn’t even watching it and it irritated me. I know that episode is supposed to be irritating, but it just goes much too far in its irritation factor.

Anyway, my concentration is shot right now due to the combination of typing this on my phone, Family Guy on the TV, Andie playing Animal Crossing next to me and the rats playing in their cage at the end of the bed. (We brought them into the bedroom so they could have some company, and also because it’s slightly cooler in here; they don’t seem to like the heat all that much!)

As such, I’m going to call that a night there. Hopefully our Internetz will be back tomorrow, which will allow me to type something on a proper computer rather than using just my thumbs!

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