Well, we are. I’m looking forward to it a lot, even though my innate Britishness prevents me from showing any outward signs of it.
It’s the first proper holiday either Andie or I have had for quite a while, and it’s the first one I’ve had for ages where I haven’t had to do at least some work in it. (As it happens, depending on when my new gig starts, I may find myself having to do some work while I’m out there, but at present I’m as free as a bird, which is a very pleasant feeling indeed.)
Holidays are ludicrously expensive, aren’t they? Well, depending on where you go, obviously. But for the most part, if you want to go somewhere nice and/or abroad, you’ll generally find yourself having to pay through the nose just to get there, and then a whole bunch on top of that once you are there, assuming you actually want to, you know, do stuff. Fortunately, we’re lucky enough to have some friends where we’re going (all right, the primary reason we’re going on holiday is to visit them) and as such the expenses while we’re actually there will be significantly less than had we had to find a hotel for the time we’re out there. So thank you enormously to our gracious hosts for putting up with us!
This will be the second time I’ve visited Toronto. I really enjoyed my last trip there, as it’s an interesting city. Those who live there probably take it all for granted by now, but I was struck by its incredibly multicultural nature. I’m not talking like British multicultural, either, where you have districts that are predominantly Asian, Polish, whatever — no, I’m talking about this strange and wonderful thing Toronto has going on where you’ll be walking down one street and it’s Chinatown, then you’ll walk down another and the architecture is completely and utterly different and the people are likewise completely and utterly different. It’s quite chaotic, in a sense, but in a thoroughly pleasant sort of way.
The other reason I’m looking forward to visiting Toronto, of course, is the people we’re going to visit. Mark and Lynette are some very dear friends whom I haven’t seen face-to-face since 2010 and my trip to PAX East, at which I got to meet a whole bunch of people from the Squadron of Shame for the first time. I’ve often said that that trip was one of the most genuinely happy times of my life, and I stand by that; the fond memories are made all the more potent by the fact that everything else in my life pretty much fell to pieces shortly after that trip, but fortunately, as long-time followers will know, things are in a much better place for me now.
I’m looking forward to seeing Mark and Lynette (and their friends, too, some of whom I’m already acquainted with) because they are My Kind of People — people with whom I can nerd out about Persona, anime, JRPGs, board games and all manner of other geeky stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I very much enjoy spending time with my friends who live near me here in Southampton, but very few of them are “into” the same things to quite such a degree as I am. Sure, a lot of them are gamers to varying degrees, but an unfortunate side-effect of the games industry’s diversity these days is that not everyone is into the same things. One of my regular board gaming buddies is massively into Minecraft and Skyrim, for example, whereas I think I’m pretty much “over” both of those games, largely because I have such an astonishingly huge Pile of Shame to play through and thus don’t really want to devote any time to two potentially endless experiences. I don’t really know many people in this country — certainly not anyone I can just pop over for a coffee with — who would get quite so excited about, say, Ar Tonelico or Trauma Team as me.
Still, I guess in one sense this is a sort of good thing — I’m grasping here, I know — because it makes those rare opportunities to get together with Your Kind of People special occasions to be enjoyed and treasured. I’m hoping the coming two weeks will be memorable and fun not only for me and Andie, but for Mark, Lynette and anyone else who gets involved, too. There will doubtless be plenty of board and video games along the way, plus eating good food with good friends.
Can’t wait. So I should probably get to bed so I don’t miss our flight in the morning, huh? Catch you on the other side of the Atlantic, then.
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