1181: 1:20am Blogging

It is 1:20am and I haven’t written anything here, nor do I have any particular idea as to what to write about. So I’m just going to write any old crap that comes into my head right now. I hope you’ll forgive me for that. This isn’t going to be a “freewriting” exercise as my brain is not awake enough for the mental agility required for that (though doing freewriting when absolutely exhausted is probably an interesting exercise in itself) — instead, it’s just going to be… stuff. All right? Good.

As I was logging in to write this post, I happened to see what my “top searches” are. I find these interesting to look at every so often as they provide a curious insight into how people are finding me here. And it’s not always in the manner you might expect. (Those bloody stickman GIFs I made a while back attracted a lot of people, but that seems to have died down somewhat now.)

My top searches at present are “My Girlfriend is the President Irina Route”, “Candy Crush Features on PC that Aren’t on Mobile”, “You Have Earned a Trophy” and “Cis Male Guilt”. I think that about sums things up nicely, doesn’t it? If any of those things have brought you here, allow me to address them in order: Irina’s route in My Girlfriend is the President was my third favourite route after Ell-chan and Yukino but ahead of Ran-neechan; Candy Crush Saga is a mug’s game whatever platform you play it on, so go and buy a copy of Bejeweled instead; well done, you have earned a trophy; and cis male guilt is one of the most irritating blights on the Interwebs of 2013. Happy? Good.

I’ve had a fairly dull day today, which is why I don’t have a lot to talk about, really. I’ve done a fair amount of work on my game, though nothing significantly more interesting than the stuff I talked about yesterday. In terms of how far through the “plot” I am, though, I’ve officially finished the first “day” in the story and got the structure in place for the next five in-game days to branch off in several different directions and lead the player towards one of the endings. So progress is being made — noticeable progress — which is exciting.

In other news? I had a little play on the piano earlier, but given that the B key above middle C is sticking and making it very difficult to play at times, doing so is an infuriating experience. It is doubly infuriating because I have just come into possession of the piano scores for the Nier and Final Fantasy X-2 soundtracks along with a bunch of fan-arranged sheet music for a selection of tracks covering everything from Ar Tonelico 2 to School Days HQ. I would very much like to play all these and record them to share with you, but without a working B key I can’t do that to the standard I’d like to. So next week I have to take my keyboard to a scary man in Ringwood who will hopefully fix it without too much difficulty.

That’s about it, really. I think I’m going to go to bed now. Andie’s having a night out with her friends and isn’t back yet. I have no idea when she will be back, but I will almost definitely be awake when it happens. Or perhaps not. I have no idea. I’m quite tired. To such a degree that I’m babbling nonsense out through my fingers, so I think it’s probably best for everyone involved if I just cut my losses, click that Publish button and go to bed now. Good night!

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