1175: Stream of Rubbish

I’m really not at all sure what to write about tonight, so I’m going to indulge in some “freewriting”, if you’ll pardon me. For those unaware, “freewriting” is where you just start writing and keep going for a set period of time without stopping or going back to correct the things you’ve done in order to make them make sense. (When freewriting on the computer, I find it very difficult to break my normal habits of automatically correcting typos for the most part, so I am allowing myself that small indulgence, but otherwise this post will be pure, bona fide stream-of-consciousness bullshit. I hope you enjoy. And if you don’t… well, I don’t really care all that much as it’s 11:33 in the evening and I’d quite like to go to bed. I should probably close these brackets and finish this paragraph sometime soon, huh.)

Anyway. What is happening right now? Not a lot, because it’s 11:33 in the evening and I’d quite like to go to bed, as previously mentioned. I am sitting in front of my Mac frantically typing this blog post while Andie is sitting in the other room watching Family Guy on BBC Three. This must be at least the sixth or seventh time I’ve heard the whole series go around and around and around and I’m never quite sure how I feel about it. Family Guy can be quite entertaining, but it’s one of those things that it seems to be quite fashionable to bash on these days, so I’m never quite sure if I’m supposed to like it or not. I do know that I like it rather less now that it’s been around and around so many times. Certain things remain entertaining on repeat viewings — as I’ve previously said elsewhere on this blog, for me Friends is one of those shows that I can watch over and over again without getting tired of it for the most part — but for me, Family Guy is a bit of a one-trick pony, particularly when they start pulling the “remember the time when” etc etc jokes where they cut away to something HILARIOUS that probably didn’t really happen. What a hoot!

I’m going to stop talking about Family Guy now and think of something else to say. But what? Hmm. How about food? Today we went out for lunch with my parents to Yo! Sushi in WestQuay. I’m a big fan of Yo! Sushi even if it is a bit expensive, really. Go on Sunday, though, and it’s an all-you-can-eat for £20 sort of affair, though, so if you leave plenty of room you can ensure you get your money’s worth. I really like the food there, too. It’s tasty. I’m sure it’s not quite up to the standard of a “proper” sushi restaurant, but it’s certainly very tasty and a bit different from the normal sort of things that you get around the place.

I can still hear Family Guy and it’s a little bit distracting. I will try and maintain my concentration. I set a goal for myself to keep writing non-stop for ten minutes and I’m about halfway through at this point. Lucy the rat is currently running rather aggressively on the wheel in her cage — I can hear, not see her — so I will have to go and check on her in a bit. I like our rats. They are friendly. Lara likes to run up the sleeve of my dressing gown, which is very amusing except when she does a wee in my armpit. To be fair to her, she has only done that once, but it was not very nice.

Anyway, I believe I was talking about sushi before I got distracted by Family Guy. One of the things I like at Yo! Sushi is takoyaki — octopus dumplings which various Japanese video games taught me about the existence of. (I’m specifically thinking of the takoyaki stand people hang out at in Persona 3, but the game I’m currently playing on the DS, Lifesignsalso features a lot of mentions of takoyaki). For some reason, mentioning something repeatedly like that really makes me want to investigate it and try it for myself — and hey, what do you know? Turns out that takoyaki is pretty tasty, though I’m not sure it was quite what I expected when I first had it. I recommend you try it. I didn’t have it today because by the time it came around on the conveyor belt at Yo! Sushi, we were already pretty full on everything else we’d eaten. Another time, dear octopus balls, another time.

One more minute to go. Can I break a thousand words by the time that minute passes? Probably not. I’d have to type a little bit quicker than I am typing right now. I can type pretty quickly, but I’m not sure I can type 250 words in a minute. That would be pretty speedy. Superhuman speedy, in fact.

Oh, time’s up. Time to go. I apologise for the disjointed, dumb nature of this blog post but I thought I’d do that instead of babbling on about Ar Tonelico II again. (I’ll get back to that tomorrow! Just kidding! Maybe.) Anyway. Time for bed. Good night.

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