1159: WAY More Than Seven Days

Back on Day 793, you may recall that I mentioned I was working on a game and that I was quite enthusiastic about it. Well, it stalled somewhat for various reasons — work, general lethargy, moving house, jury service, many other reasons that aren’t really excuses — but this week I’ve started working on it again, and it’s a good feeling.

To be honest, doing what I’m doing was partly spurred on by this painfully accurate article from The Onion. I figured that I’m in a relatively good position right now — financially secure, working in a job which is reasonably challenging at times but which leaves me with plenty of free time — so instead of sleeping until 10-11am (usually unintentionally) I should make use of some of that extra time. As such, I’ve been getting up a bit earlier and, well, making use of some of that extra time.

In the previous post I linked to, I talked about how much I enjoy the world-building aspect of creating a game. Today, I’ve been rediscovering the joy of populating those locales that I’ve created with people. Specifically, the stuff I’ve been working on over the last couple of days has been the first appearance of the story’s main characters, so it’s been an absolute pleasure to see these characters I’ve had in my head (and a Google document) finally appear on screen and act the way I’ve told them to.

I’m going to do that annoying developer thing and not talk in specifics about the project because I’d like some aspects of it to remain a surprise, but I will say a few things about what I’ve achieved so far.

Thus far I’ve got a controllable protagonist and an interactive introduction sequence that introduces her, the setting and the context of the story. I’ve got some sequences where the player is able to make choices and subtly change some of the things that occur next. I’ve laid a few “hooks” for future interactions between the protagonist and other characters, and I’ve put together the story up until the point where the protagonist meets up with the other main characters. And, as I type this, I’ve composed the initial conversations between the protagonist and the other characters — including, again, a few events that change a little bit according to choices that have been made.

I’m deliberately keeping things relatively unambitious with this project, as I would very much like to actually finish it at some point. It’s a concept that I really like and would very much like to carry through to completion, so I’m keen to try and devote some time to it. One thing that was stopping me was a lack of certain art assets that I needed to progress, but now I’ve found those (or at least got some solid placeholders put in) I have, as far as I can make out, everything I need to pick up this project and run with it, motivation and free time permitting. Aside from the art assets I was lacking, most of the other stuff I’m using is either RPG Maker’s built-in content or publicly-available/royalty-free stuff. The somewhat “generic” nature of using built-in and publicly-available assets is entirely deliberate — if and when it’s finished you’ll hopefully see why I chose to go that route. It wasn’t just laziness and/or a desire to get up and running without having to worry about creating custom content — though being able to work with pre-made character sprites and the like certainly makes working on this a bit easier.

I’ll leave it at that for now, and if I make any significant progress that I’m happy to share in the near future, I may drop in a few screenshots here and there. Suffice to say that for the moment, I’m happy with the way things are going and hopefully I’ll have something more to share soon.

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