1063: Disjointed

I’m aware these posts have been disjointed, dull and a bit crap recently and for that I can only apologise, but, well, if you’ve been paying attention you’ll doubtless appreciate that they are not the thing at the forefront of my mind right now! It’s been nice to have a weekend “off” (sort of) though, however, even if I have been suffering from plague for most of it. Fortunately, I think I am pretty much over the worst now, so hopefully the impending stress of next week won’t cause a relapse or anything.

Next week should — hopefully, anyway — be the last of the stress for the year. Christmas shopping is almost done and dusted, nearly all of the stuff is in the new house and there’s just some boxes to unpack into relevant locations before we’re “finished” and ready to start living properly. (We need to retrieve our pet rats, too. I am looking forward to seeing them again. I hadn’t anticipated quite how much I would miss the little buggers.)

The only real issue we’ve had is that the lovely new sofa we bought a while back won’t go into our flat. Well, it will; it just won’t go up the stairs that lead to it. To be fair, the removal people had a try before giving up, but it was at the end of the day after they had lugged all the rest of our stuff up the stairs, so they probably weren’t much in the mood to attempt to manoeuvre a three-seater sofa around an awkward staircase. Perhaps it will work better with a fresh outlook — any local friends reading this who would like to come and help try at some point in the near future, please get in touch and let me know, otherwise it’s going to be a case of either leaving it in the garage (undesirable) or getting someone to take out a window and hoist it in (probably expensive). Bah! Why are things never easy?

I head back to Wiltshire tomorrow evening to finish up my “civic duty”. I’m really hoping it won’t go on for too long, largely because we’re supposed to be all moved out and checked out of our old house by next Friday, which means if things go on any longer than that I have a very long commute. Or a stay in a hotel. (I’m actually staying in a hotel for a couple of nights this week because it’s infinitely preferable to sleeping on the floor of an almost-empty house with no curtains. A few sleeps on the floor this week probably didn’t help with the plague I’ve been suffering from for the past few days. Blergh.)

Just. Got to. Make it. Through. This. Week. Then everything will be fine and dandy. Christmas will be here, and it will be nice. Then it will be 2013, which will be a good year. I hope.

I feel as if the last few New Years have consisted of me wishing that the impending year was better than the previous one. 2013, despite having a “13” in it, will be a good one, I’m sure. I’m back in the place I want to be, and with any luck things will get nicely “settled” so I can look forward to the future rather than worrying about the past and present.

We’ll see, I guess. For now, I’m going to drug myself up and try to get some sleep.

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