1057: The Week from Hell

Page_1This week… I have been both looking forward to and dreading this upcoming week, as I believe I’ve already mentioned a couple of times. There are a number of reasons for this.

I’m looking forward to it because we now have the keys to our new apartment, which means we will soon be living in our new apartment. Our new apartment, I believe I mentioned, is in Southampton, which is a place I’ve been trying to get back to for the last couple of years ever since Bad Things happened and caused me to have to leave.

I am dreading it because the moving process involves 1) packing all my shit up and 2) moving all my shit. To be fair, Andie has done the vast majority of the packing, meaning there’s actually relatively little left to do. But that last bit of packing is always the worst bit, involving, as it does, picking up all those stray bits of rubbish you’ve been inexplicably hoarding for the last few years, and which have moved house with you several times for no discernible reason. It involves finding all those bits of paper that you think “might be important” and deciding not to throw them out “just in case you need them.” You never need them. I have a (now-broken) expanding file full of such pieces of paper, which I’m strongly considering just whizzing instead of dragging it with me yet again. Obviously I will remove important pieces of paper like my driving licence, insurance documentation and that printout of my friends and I from the Leonardo da Vinci machine in Sega World before I throw it away. Or perhaps I will just take it with me yet again.

I am also dreading this week because of the fact I’m on some very inconveniently-timed jury service. Obviously as this is going on at the time of writing I am unable to say anything about this, so you’ll just have to take my word for it that it is very inconveniently timed and I could really do without it right now. (It’s a shame, because if I weren’t in the middle of moving house, I’d probably find the whole experience quite interesting — I have a mild fascination with the workings of the law, perhaps sparked by my love of the Ace Attorney series of DS games.)

Still. Despite all the chaos surrounding me, somehow I have been organised enough to complete almost all of my week’s work in the space of a day and a half, with only a few bits and pieces to clean up as the week progresses.

It’s all going to be fine. It’s all going to be fine. By the time Christmas is here, I’ll be living back where I want to be with a person I want to be with, and everything will be fine and dandy. Hopefully.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m going to go and lie face-down on my bed and scream into my pillow for a bit.

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