#oneaday Day 816: Half-Past One, AM


It’s 1:30 in the morning, because I’ve spent the last little while putting together my first article for ages on Bitmob/GamesBeat. It’s about the three “Operation Rainfall” RPGs — Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story and Pandora’s Tower. You can find it here. Please give it some love. I was tempted to recreate the whole thing here and call that today’s post, but I thought I’d at least make an effort to do something different. For some reason. I don’t know why. I’m kind of tapped out on creativity, but I have no doubt that just typing and typing in my usual stream of consciousness manner will cause at least something to flow out.

Whether or not it’ll be interesting does, of course, at the time of writing this sentence, remain to be seen.

This week has been one of those ones that has simultaneously zipped by at a breakneck pace and also appeared to be exhaustingly busy. I don’t think I’ve been doing anything particularly out of the ordinary — though we have been to the gym a few times after a few weeks of poor motivation — but things have felt more chaotic than usual. I’ve been working as usual (this week’s iOS app recommendations: Skylanders Cloud Patrol and Saturday Morning RPG with an honourable mention for Burnout Crash even though I have a suspicion it might be a bit rubbish) and hanging out on Twitter. I also sat in our back garden for the first time ever. I read a bit of a book on my Kindle. It was nice, and I’ve apparently got over my fear of deckchairs.

I also ordered an Android tablet. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a total Apple fanboy (I’m typing this on one of two iMacs that adorn my desk, and my iPhone and iPad are within easy reach) but 1) I’m curious about what Android has to offer and 2) it will be useful for my work. Also, 3) Android tabs — particularly the Motorola Xoom, which is the one I’ve ordered — are great for emulation and retro gaming. A Twitter friend regularly evangelises about how great it is to have a portable device which merrily plays the entire back catalogue from systems such as the SNES, Mega Drive, NES, Master System and numerous other platforms, and I won’t lie, that possibility is immensely appealing. Imagine how cool it would be to roll up to a friend’s house with a single device and be able to play things like Street Fighter II and Mario Kart without having to faff around behind their TV? Awesome. (Hopefully. I’m yet to see it in action. But I’m confident.)

In a few moments I will be going to bed, and then it will be the weekend. Technically it is already the weekend, I suppose, but it’s not really the weekend until you wake up on Saturday morning after sleeping and then eat bacon and sausages and eggs and smother them in brown sauce. (Yes, brown sauce is the correct sauce to put on a full English.)

Oh, I give up. My brain is dry and so I cut my losses and say goodbye. (Hey, that rhymes.) Good night!

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