#oneaday Day 586: The 4AM Club

There’s a marked difference between those who drive late at night and those in the early morning. The night is filled with Mercedes drivers and chavs who believe they are the only ones with the right to be on the road, and that anyone driving slower than them is scum; conversely, those out driving at some ungodly hour in the morning are somehow brought together by a sense of camaraderie — we’re all doing this because we HAVE to, not because we want to.

Such as it was this morning when I had to rise from my slumber in the darkness of 4AM and drive my empty van 150 miles back to return it, only to later load up my car with the last few bits of crap and drive back that same 150 miles for hopefully the last time for a little while.

It’s not all bad driving at stupid o’clock though. Driving through the sunrise is pretty cool. And the fact that the 4AM Club is a fairly exclusive club means that roads are quiet and traffic is minimal.

Despite all that, though, I’m looking forward to the mother of all lie ins tomorrow.

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