#oneaday Day 584: Moving Day, Part 1

Moving house sucks. It’s supposedly shortly behind or ahead of getting divorced in the stress stakes and while I wouldn’t necessarily go that far, it is a pain in the arse — largely because you usually find yourself having to move six metric shit-tons of crap in 24 hours AND clean AND remember to cancel all your bills AND argh.

So far this time things have gone relatively smoothly, largely because there isn’t the time pressure involved. Both Andie and I are moving from our respective parental homes, which means no requirement to be away and completely vacated by a specific deadline. This is nice, and certainly a far cry from the panicked move which was me leaving Southampton last year — the stress of which was not helped by the fact that I really did not want to be moving amid everything else that was going on.

I haven’t done “the big bit” yet, which is shifting furniture. That comes tomorrow with the joyful hire of a van. Once that’s done, though, it’s a simple matter of clearing up small odds and ends, unpacking stuff, acquiring extra bits of furniture as necessary and getting broadband and whatnot set up.

Once all this is done, I will feel a lot better about things. I will be in my own space doing my own job with my awesome girlfriend and things will be good. I am looking forward to things being good after a very long period of depression. It’s about time.

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