#oneaday Day 118: Among Friends

It’s said that you can’t switch on your TV and not be able to watch an episode of Top Gear, Friends or Scrubs. And far from being a bad thing, I feel this is very much a good thing. Your opinion on the matter will, of course, vary according to your opinion of the programmes in question. But I happen to like them all very much.

Friends in particular, it has to be said. Friends finished long ago now, of course, but it will always hold a fond place in my heart. I started watching it when I was back at school, and it quickly became one of those shows that I felt the need to tape every single episode of, and ended up with several bajillion VHS cassettes’ worth.

I’m not sure exactly what it is that I like about it. I think it’s the fact that the characters are very strong and recognisable — so much so that their own mannerisms have entered the realms of popular culture.

There’s also the fact that most people can relate to at least one of the characters. Amongst all my friends, I know plenty of people who are Joeys, Rosses, Chandlers, Monicas, Phoebes and Rachels. And plenty who are combinations. (I also know plenty of people who are the cast of The Inbetweeners, too, but that’s another story altogether.)

Mostly, though, I think it’s the fact that every episode is both inoffensive and amusing, easy to watch and seemingly infinitely rewatchable. The ultimate in disposable TV. Comfort viewing.

It’ll be a sad day for me if E4 ever stop showing episodes of Friends. For one, it’ll mean I finally have to bite the bullet and purchase the complete DVD box set, something which I’ve successfully managed to avoid doing for the last ten years.

In unrelated news, it’s my birthday tomorrow. I will be 30. How exciting! Or possibly depressing, I haven’t quite made my mind up yet. (Except my lovely girlfriend is whisking me away for a fantastic birthday weekend, so the event itself will be totally brilliant and awesome, so that’s pretty much decided. Hurrah!)

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