#oneaday, Day 37: Sportyballs

I don’t get sport. I never have, and I suspect I never will.

This is not through lack of trying. I used to play football (soccer, for our American readers) with my local Cub Scout pack when I was a kid. We were sponsored by a scrapyard and our best result was 1-0 to us. Our worst result was 21-0 to them. This convinced me that football (soccer) was Not My Game.

Early in my #oneaday career, I decided I was going to attempt to get into Formula 1. Cars racing around tracks is more appealing to me than sweaty men running up and down a pitch. But I found myself not caring enough to keep up to date with it. And forgetting that races were happening. And finding myself thinking there were many, many things I would rather do than sit passively in front of the TV for hours at a time. (One of which was sitting in front of the TV with a controller in my hand, which at least is a bit more “active” entertainment.)

My wife enjoyed football (soccer), so back when we were still together, I picked up a copy of FIFA 10 in an attempt to try to understand what was so appealing about it. I played it a bit, got destroyed 21-0 in an online game and was convinced for the second time in my life that football (soccer) was Not My Game.

I find myself perpetually bewildered by people who discuss the sports team they support as if they have anything to do with it. “We bought that striker person for a bajillion pounds,” they say, substituting “that striker person” and “a bajillion pounds” with an actual player’s name and an actual amount of money respectively. “We had an amazing result,” “We’re top of the league”. I just don’t get it. I don’t even show that much loyalty to my RPG characters. They’re still “they” to me.

And today, apparently, is something to do with a superb owl. (Thank you to whoever posted that joke in my Twitter feed while I was writing this.) There seems to be an assumption that everyone will be supporting either the Packers or the Steelers, which may be true if you’re an American, but I have no idea who either of those teams are or where they’re from. I could Google them, but to be honest, I really couldn’t care less.

I guess it’s just a different form of nerdery; one that is more “accepted” (for want of a better word—perhaps “embraced” is more appropriate) by society at large than video gamery and gadget-joy. I can talk for hours about my character builds in Final Fantasy XII and the makeup of my team of Personae from Persona 4 but I wouldn’t know where to begin if someone started a conversation on the batting average innings goal difference of the Packersteelers bowling out for a duck’s ludicrous display.

Each to their own, I guess. Just don’t expect me to even try a little bit to join in with such a conversation. I’ll see you at the bar.

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3 thoughts on “#oneaday, Day 37: Sportyballs

  1. In my little world, I know more video game/tech type geeks than I do rugby league fans (mostly because I’m a southerner). I know precisely zero who straddle both camps, and I suspect there aren’t that many out there. Everyone has unique interests and qualities, which is good, because it’d be boring if we were all the same huh?

  2. I think that its one of those things that you have to be in the mood for…

    I do love formula one, but then I know that I have spent far more hours than the average person just sitting and watching Need For Speed (+10 girlfriend points to me), also if I am feeling silly, I imagine the odd banana on the track or a homing shell whizzing past…

    I’m with you on the football, I’m banned from watching it actually, because it makes me angry and I have an annoying tendancy to throw socks / undies / scarves at the TV in disgust and I do worry that one day it might be something a little heavier and more scary for my TV…

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